Our goal is to bring you closer on course with Great Creator and his ultimate goals and objectives for our lives
Volunteer / Donate your time, wisdom, special skills and or your material support to our cause today for a brighter tomorrow for all!
We rely on your donations, if we've helped you, won't you please help us keep coming to you, please~
Goal Of Promise Project
Oklevueha Native American Church of Kautantowit's Mecautea's goal is to unite and educate All native born persons to our biological inheritance upon Mother Earth with Father Sky and through the love, grace & guidance of Great Creator.
We are all here to enjoy and celebrate Life!
We are here to please and find pleasure in all creation while learning the knowledge, wisdom and ways of our ancestors while obtaining the individual goals that Great Creator have set out for us.
Won't you join us in our endeavors... Please?!

Welcome to
Oklevueha Native American Church
Kautantowit's Mecautea
Oklevueha Native American Church of Kautantowit's Mecautea (ONAC.KM) is bonafide direct independant branch of Oklevueha Native American Church, which originally is forever known as the Native American Church (NAC). ONAC KM is an Oregon based independant branch of ONAC that was established 01 September 2013. We are a 508c1a Church - not a 501c3 as we are NOT Incorporated and choose NOT to be!
The "Native American Church" (NAC) was first Incorporated in 1918, when the Oklahoma American Native Medicine People were successful in the incorporation of their American Native Culture and Ceremonies as the Native American Church. Finally our culture would be Officially protected under the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution!
To insure the legality of the Native American Church, a number of Counties of South Dakota incorporated their Native American Churches including the Lakota Sioux Rosebud Reservation on July 26, 1924, and Pine Ridge ‘Porcupine’ Reservation on March 20, 1936. Wounded Knee sits between these two Lakota Sioux American Native Communities in case anyone is interested.
Leslie Fool Bull, then President of the Native American Church Rosebud of South Dakota, blessed James Warren ‘Flaming Eagle’ Mooney and Oklevueha Earthwalks Native American Church of Utah Inc. (Oklevueha Native American Church, Incorporated April 11,1997 and Registered with the United States Government as a Native American Church), he included the Oklevueha Native American Church within the Rosebud Reservation Spirituality Free Church status as of March 20, 1998!
Richard ‘He Who Has the Foundation’ Swallow, Nephew of Leslie Fool Bull and the President of the Native American Church Rosebud of South Dakota, confirmed the authenticity of Leslie Fool Bull’s blessing. Richard also Sustained James Warren ‘Flaming Eagle’ Mooney and the Chief Executive Officer of Oklevueha Native American for the remainder of his life, August 19, 2007.
Our goal, as a noble and honorable branch of the above, is to be the visable fufillment of White Buffalo Calf Woman's Seven Sacred Fires Prophecy in that we Are Warriors of the Rainbow as indigious Natives of Turtle Island, and we welcome YOU to join with us at the front lines of history!
Who We Are
Oklevueha (ONAC) is a United States federally recognized indigenous American Native Earth Based Healing and Empowerment Church.
ONAC is a unification of Lakota Sioux and Oklevueha Seminole Spiritual Traditions. Lakota Sioux Chief Richard ‘He Who Holds the Foundation’ Swallow and Oklevueha Seminole Medicine Man, James Warren ‘Flaming Eagle’ Mooney (pictured together above) welcome you with open arms regardless of your race, gender, age, social position, religious back ground and/or financial status. All are welcome into our sacred healing and empowering indigenous spiritual community.
The Native American Church was first federally recognized as a religious entity within today's United States of America in the year 1880 and was formally incorporated in 1918 in Oklahoma.

Oklevueha “Earth Walks” Native American Church: Utah/ Lakota Sioux Native American Church, Rosebud Reservation, SD
Our Indigenous Heritage:
Indigenous spirituality has been practiced in North and South America before recorded history. The fundamental premise of all indigenous spirituality is to honor and respect Grandmother Earth (Matriarchal), Grandfather Sky (Patriarchal) and all of their descendants.
The practicing of American Native indigenous spirituality is understood off and on Federally Recognized Indian Reservations as the Native American Church, which has been granted Exclusive federal laws to recognize the spiritual ceremonies and to protect and maintain access to their sacred ceremonial grounds.

"When the earth is ravaged and the animals are dying, a new tribe of people shall come unto the earth from many colors, classes, creeds, and who by their actions and deeds shall make the earth green again. They will be known as the Warriors of the Rainbow"
-Old Native American Prophecy
As Oklevueha Native American Church of Kautantowit's Mecautea (ONAC.KM), our desire and goal is to do our part to protect and restore to the world our religious and personal freedoms as a Native American Religious Culture across Turtle Island.
One of our primary advantages over other "Organized religions" is that we alone are legally allowed to use any of the sacred sacraments that For thousands of years have been forbidden as well as frowned upon by other religions and mis-taught purposly by their leaders.
Native plants such as peyote, cannabis, ayahuasca, and others have been used in Native American Ceremonies for tens of thousands of years, but the problem is, most native people do not understand that this is our right under Religious Freedom according to both the US Constitution as well as the the American Indian Religious Freedom Act.
Many of these plants are now STILL deemed to be illegal by federal and state governments for non-Native American Church (NAC) members. New federal laws have also declared other natural substances like essential oils and healing plants to be deemed illegal by Non-ONAC members as well, just as the "Holy Annointiing oil" remains so according to the law's definition for all religions EXCEPT Non-ONAC members. Because these new laws were "sneaked" into our legal system, many people do not realize they are committing a felony every time they use them if they are Not an ONAC member!
An example given us by NAC, is that even a full blooded tribal nations, card caring, Native American massage therapist is at risk of being actually sent to prison if they're caught using therapeutic essential oils on their clients. Unless they BOTH are credentialed to do so by ONAC and or any of our branches, ultimately they Are "Breaking the law" - ONLY NAC members like ONAC and any/all of our branches such as ONAC.KM are LEGALLY ALLOWED to use and administer otherwise considered "controlled substances" in ANY form of Sacramental way, it IS that plain & simple reardless of who likes it or not, period - end of story!
So once again, we see another step in attempting "control" the people, rather than an attempt to try to "Respect" or "Accept" the people and our traditional ways, which ultimately as we well know, ultimately spells "loss of freedom" for any native of Turtle Island paying actual attention. Many Natural Healers and individuals frantically ask, "What can we do?"
The answer to that question is very simple and EASY... Join ONAC's Native American Religious Movement and take a stand to protect our Traditions, Ceremonies and Religious Freedom just as we Know Brown Bear would be quick to do - stand and defend it's ground, especially for the sake of it's cubs- which are YOUR Offspring!
We desire ALL peoples from around Mother world to become fully legalized and protected in their Healing Practice and their Religious Ceremonies by being adopted into the Native American Church. Everyone is invited to join, and those especially born to Turtle Island are encouraged to do so, but again ALL Are Welcome!
It is perfectly acceptable to be a member of another organized religion and still a member of our Church.
The Native American Church does not dictate any official religious dogma over their Healers but allows individuals to exercise the freedom the Creator has given them. All Medicine Men and Medicine Women follow the dictates of their own heart and choose to practice bona fide Traditional Ceremonies from different cultures around the world.

The genesis of modern NAC ceremonies have deep roots in both Mexican and Native American culture and ritual, due to the natural locality of peyote and the dissemination by Parker to the Comanche and other plains tribes located in Indian Territory
Oklevueha Native American Church of Kautantowit's Mecautea
The branch name 'Kautantowit's Mecautea' was given as a blessing to our ONAC branch by the Narragansett Sachem Matthew Thomas (e nada wushawunun — Seventh Hawk) and many of the elders of the Narragansett tribe, at the request and insistance of our branches primary healer 'Hawkeye' Graves as it is the tribe of her fathers grandmother.
For 5 days the Narragansett tribe held counsel meetings, and finally one glorious afternoon, the call came from Sachem Thomas giving us our honorable branch name, "Kautantowit's Mecautea"

The words of our branch name are in the Narragansett tribal language, and they are defined as follows:
*Kautantowit* = "Great Creator"
*Mecautea* = "Warrior soldier who fights off the enemy".
Matthew Thomas
(e nada wushawunun — Seventh Hawk)
Chief Sachem of the Narragansett Tribe.

Join us in a quick ancient Sioux Prayer, won't you please...
Hear me, four quarters of the world- a relative I am!
Give me the strength to walk the soft earth.
Give me the eyes to see and the strength to understand,
that I may be like you.
With your power only can I face the winds.
Great Spirit...all over the earth
the faces of living things are all alike.
With tenderness have these come up out of the ground.
Look upon these faces of children
without number and with children in their arms,
that they may face the winds
and walk the good road to the day of quiet.
This is my prayer' hear me!
The promise Creator gives us Comes with every new day, The gift of breath, the gift of life, Opportunities in a vast array. How do we count our blessings, Through the choices life can bring? Is it through joyful lessons? Or the fears to which we cling? Are we learning to show gratitude, For the victories over human pain? By honoring the feeling choices, We grasp the will we've regained. Can we change our focus, With no need to defend? Acknowledging joy and sorrow, Without judging foe or friend? Tomorrow promises the fullness Of every human way to know: How we master each challenge Determines our balance - reflecting how we grow.
"There are three great oppressions: Government because it is based on materialistic values which don't include any spiritual values and doesn't look after people; Religion because it created a fear in people. Most religions built up a fear of God rather than building up a firm relation....Hollywood...gave us an awful image of one another. The Hollywood image is devastating: we're savage, dirty, unreliable -- all those negative things."
~Leonard George~
Chief Counsellor - Tsleil-Waututh Nation