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   ONAC KM Sanctuary Garden Code of Conduct Agreement


The below signed applicant does hereby agree to the following terms and conditions as well as obligations and expectations on each participating individual's part as so defined in their psition status within the ONAC KM sanctuary garden.


1. To treat all living beings with Respect & Honor at All times when at, in, or in communication with or in regards to the NAC KM Sanctuary Garden. ;

2. To fufil the individual expectatins and respnsibilities / obligations as per the psition assigned within the ONAC KM Sanctuary Garden. ;

3. To conduct myself in an approperiate mannerism at all times and toward all persons at the ONAC KM sanctuary property. ;

4. To take heed to the elders and leaders of ONAC KM in all things at all times. ;

5. To not endanger ONAC KM or any of the property, members, or people in any way

6. To not interfear with nor hinder in any way, any of the activities ONAC KM allow at the sanctuary properties. ;

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P.O. Box 40155

Eugene, OR 97404










P.O. Box 72093


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