As Crazy as it might sound, we're going to start at the very beginning of the whole purpose and point to the path's journey that is your own individual destiny, and to come to know and better understand it, you first are going to have to learn about you...
About YOU!
How many of you Know who you are as far as you being an individual "human being"? Seriously, as crazy as the question may sound or seem, it's our most basic starting point as far as education is concerned.
Who you are is among the most important things you could ever learn about yourself, and you'd be suprised how many people go through life not knowing such the basic answer which is likely accountable for the lost feeling felt as your journey in life is concerned.
However, before we go into that, it's important that you know that as far as Great Creator's creation is concerned, there is not one being nor one species that is anymore superior or valuable than another, be it human, animal, plant, fungus or other, seen or unseen, known or yet to be identified.
Creator loves all creation and designed it all to functiontogether according to the will and desire established as our individual destiny... and not one of us, regardless of species nor era of our existence lack immesurable value as far as Great Creator is concerned, period... that we all each have our own individual purpose as far as expectation and obligation are concerned.

Now that you know you're a "Human Being" , what answer do you give to the next basic common question:
What answer do you give to the following question:
Society if anything, is intentionally adding to the confusion and demanding the misrepresentation of your answer because they do not want you to know these of all the most basic facts you need to know about yourself... why?
Telling you that you should Not be "Racist" and insisting that they're Not being racist, they continually ask you racist questions, and not only ask, but Demand answers to them that are more often than not untrue the question "Why" quickly ponders the human mind.
"What Race are you?"
"What Language do you speak?"
So, "What Race are you?"
Your "Race" is defined as your "Nationality", or in other words, what country/nation you are from, or in simpler terms... where you come from, yet, when asked, the "answers" alotted in rhe "multiple choice options" don't seem to reflect that question as clearly as upon a glance, you think it does, or should for that matter.
Society on the other hand, would have you believe that the correct answer to this question is determined by your "skin color" but it's not, it can't be, because skin color in itself as the answer could and likely will prove to be deceiving if that's what you think it's based on. The problem is, society has convinced the majority of we human beings that "race" is based on skin color, and it's not.
Why would society ask your "Race" if in all reality they are seeking to know what your skin color is... and if they want to know the color of your skin, why not out-right ask that question to begin with?
The answer to that is simple, if they ask you what your skin color is, then they could be deemed "Racist" because ultimately the reality is, it Is a Racist question to be asking, plain and simple, and racism is unacceptable according to societies dictation of social and moral standard.
The truth is, IF you were "Born" Anywhere on the "America's", meaning the American Continent's (North, Central, South America), Including, mind you, Canada & Mexico too as well, then you ARE "Native American" by title and heritage!
Betting you didn't know or anticipate THAT answer, we now ask you again: How many of you American born "Natives" have answered that fact on your applications when asked and Why OR Why Not?
The true question to be asked is Why would anyone want to know what race or language you speak, especially when the application themselves usually Always state near the end and usually in slightly smaller print, that it is against the "Law" for them or anyone on their behalf to "Discriminate" against any person because of their "Race" which they are defining as being the color of your skin and is clearly nothing other than a racist question?
Again, we find ourselves in this situation because they clearly are intending on being racist against you whom answer the question when they ask you to.
At the same time, because they are asking you a misinterpreted question expecting the wrong answer, they are likely going to question you if you attempt to answer their question correctly. Test the theory and see for yourself whether or not this is an answer Not affecting their decision regarding your application - answer their question correctly and let's just See how they respond, shall we!
Your "Language" is defined as the tongue that you were taught, encouraged and expected to primarily speak, which is usually determined in your family home and homelife/family enviornment.
Society on the other hand, would have you believe that the correct answer to this question is determined by your "nationality" but that's no more necessarily true than it is to determine your "Race" y the color of your skin, and yet just like it, the language that you primarily speak is used to catigorize you in that very same way... racistly.
The problem is, society has convinced the majority of we human beings that "race, skin color, and language" are all basis to determine as well as to define Who you are, which when you stop to think about it in that concept, only further proves the fact that mirages are preferred by society than is actual reality.
Society is being taught and in turn continues to teach as well as practice "Racism" being mis-programmed with ficton opposed to fact, all the while being told and made to feel as if they are doing Wrong being racist.
All the while, the power-seekers within society are accomplishing their greater subconscious goal... presumed superiority over their fellow and ultimately Equal species of living beings here upon mother world, and distracting you from all the most basic of facts needing known, and are distracting you from our Great Creator and the destiny he has pre-destined you to attain during your life's journey.
The goal of their agenda as far as the power-houses of society are concerned pulling this, is to "control", plain and simple... they want to control and dictate ALL whom potentially could pose a threat to they and their own agenda's, personally as well as collectively.
In other words, while confusing, misleading, bullying amd corecing, even out-right lying to you and demanding that you lie about your ownself, somehow validates the need for their existence because then they actually become "smarter" than the majority in which they are out to ultimately control as a whole, and they openly and outwardly continue to do it and demand that it be done "Or else", still insisting that it doesn't Matter and is technically Illegal to consider regarding you.
"What are you?"
To properly help you to comprehend yourself, this is the first most basic foundational fiber that will establish your ultimate foundation and placement position as far as Great Creator's plan involving you being on mother Earth's land.
Surely by now, you've been taught that you are the ultimately superior of species not only upon our globe, but in all Great Creator's creation, which likely stregnthened your self confidence greatly, annd the last thing we aim to do is pop your individuality bubble... but too, if it's wrongfully established, we kind of have to - how else will you ever become the you that you've been destined to be if your remain in a false state of reality?
How many of you Know that what you are, is a "Being" currently placed in a "Human" catigory of "Species", and more importantly, how many of you understand what that means as well as entails?
Your "Being" is your spiritual life-force, which is unseen and comes from within .The shell that is known as your "physical body" which is to house your being while upon mother world is considered of the species of "Human".
Each "Being", within and yet regardless of it's species, have their "gifts" that Great Creator specifically decided for each one of them, both collectvely as their "species" as well as spearately as the individual beings they are... we are, and as sure as it was for all before as well as thereafter our sure as our days and all that come of them were pre-known, envisioned and decided.
We are as actors fufilling a role within Creator's prophecy first and foremost, here being used as tools by and for Creator's will, whims and desires whether we know or realize it or not... but too, as significant as we can prove to be, ultimately, we are insignificant when it come to "The bigger picture" whatever our individual species may be, unless we maintain the honor expected and entrusted us by Great Creator via our ancestor's before us whatever we are, which is the second step in our lesson of proper education...
Alaskan/ Native American
African American
Other _____________
English (UK)
Alaskan/ Native American
Other _____________
White is a "Skin Color", not a nationality!
Nationality is determined by what "Country" you're born
There is No such thing as an "African American"
How many of you American born "Natives" have answered the race question "Native American" on your applications when asked, and Why/ Why Not?
How many of you answered "African American" to the race question on your applications when asked, and Why?
How many of you answered "White" to the race question on your applications when asked, and Why -now knowing "White" is NOT a "Race?"
How many deem "English" as the "offical language" of America, specifically North America, and Why?

The fact that you are "Native American" by title & birth-rite does not declare you a member of a Native American "Tribal Nation", for that you must contain "tribal bloodlines", and the amount of tribal blood is decided by each tribe individually.
Becoming a member of ONAC or any of it's branches does NOT change this fact nor criteria/process, BUT, what joining ONAC Does Do, is extends the entitlement to Native based religious rights, tools, sacraments and Protections onto you REGARDLESS if you have so much as a single Drop of tribal nations blood in you or not!
The Narragansett tribe, considered "Grandmother Tribe" by all tribes to date, stands in the same position which it took regarding the issue back in the 1520's, which is that even if it only be but a "drop" of tribal blood within them, "are they not Of that tribe?"
The majority of "American's" roaming the land will openly state that they have"a little" of this or of that tribal nations blood, as if it's just enough to make them "cool"and yet not "enough" to be counted as far as an"official record" is concerned.
Our Native Ancestors
Our Non-Native Ancestors
The next important fact for you are going to need to know about you and your purpose and destiny, will and can only really be officially "found" in your genetics... your DNA and you family tree, no matter how messed up some if not all might one day prove themselves to be.
Your DNA is the direct connection to your ancestors and your entire family, all of whom, including You were pre-decided by Great Creator as far as whose to do what and friend, bond, and rely on whom?
The DNA is the direct connection to the original base that is our own individual "family tree". Male desendants carry these genes whether they want to, like it or not. Female descendants also do carry the DNA genetics as well, however, female desendants do not pass their DNA genetics... instead, their to improve and or enhance the DNA tree they're breeding with the intent on bettering and stregnthening it.

The answer of who YOU are lyes in the name of the continent of Mother Earth you were born upon... That is Who YOU are, and too, what RACE you are - nothing different!
You May predominently be and or appear as "of" another countries "Descent" via your parents, grandparents and even your great grandparents, but ultimately the only true answer to those questions are in the land in which you yourself were personally born, plain and simple!
And don't feel bad if you cannot see much of the characteristics or the resemblance between you and your Turtle Island bloodline - boat cultures seem to dominate the gene-pool over native traits, especially as it thins it out the genetics, leaving you "fair" or actually to sunburn, lol!
So, now for your Next Question...
We are One
We are One Distant rhythm in a troubled sky Angry clouds divide the sun Feels like thunder and so do I Bloody silence has begun Flying like a wounded dove Tomorrow comes undone Surrender don't come easily We try to get...over.Everybody, feels the rain Falling together...together Many colors of the Spirit Many lives below the sun We are colors of the Spirit We are many We are One.Ask the question - What's goin' on? Why raging children run Where's the father's legacy? Where's the harvest of the son? Close your eyes and tell me what you see I see the same thing...same thing.Many colors of the Spirit Many lives below the sun We are colors of the Spirit Many lives below the sun.We are many We are One

Some That.........
Standing under a tree Under the sun
Somewhere between living and dying
Between regretting and forgetting
Between forgiving and unforgiving
Between laughing and crying
Between sobbing and sighing
Between quitting and trying
Between falling and flying
Between wounding and healing
Between rising and kneeling
Between preying and praying
Between dreaming and dreaming
Between, between and between
And those places in between thoughts
Might be fugitive comfort zones
For any fugitives needing some that
Or maybe even dungeons
For those who want to play that
John Trudell
March 19 2014
"The Red Nation shall rise again and it shall be a blessing for a sick world; a world filled with broken promises, selfishness and separations; a world longing for light again. I see a time of Seven Generations when all the colors of mankind will gather under the Sacred Tree of Life and the whole Earth will become one circle again.
In that day, there will be those among the Lakota who will carry knowledge and understanding of unity among all living things and the young white ones will come to those of my people and ask for this wisdom. I salute the light within your eyes where the whole Universe dwells. For when you are at that center within you and I am that place within me, we shall be one."
~ Crazy Horse, Oglala Lakhota Warrior Leader, (1840-1877) ~