ONAC KM of Oregon's Seneca Sanctuary Raided by police!
On June 16th 2014, Oklevueha Native American Church of Kautantowit's Mecautea's central eastern sacred ground and sanctuary was raided by the Grant County Sheriff's department in Seneca, Oregon.
Officers completely Destroeyed the garden being prepared mid-planting, and arrested two of our members, Mr. Raymond Scott Martin of Kansas City, MO, and Mr. Kenny Sean Walters (Connelly) of Walla Walla, WA at the scene while tending to the sanctuary and establishing the sacrament garden.
13 of the 32 plants had been planted in the ground, the remaining were left to roast after their "Conditional Release Agreement's" forbad them to return to the sanctuary land.
A SAD account fed and repeated by officials can be found and reviewed at the following link below, but please keep in mind - NEVER would ANY ONAC KM Member "invite" an officer onto our sacred lands "to talk", chat or otherwise - it is FORBIDDEN as our sanctuary lands are to remain safe and sacred from ALL outside forces PERIOD!

Welcome to Oklevueha Native American Church of Kautantowit's Mecautea's very own News Source! Here is where we intend on keeping our members as well as supporters up-to-date on the events currently affecting out church directly, for your awareness as well as convenience! We will do our best to keep things updated and to provide links to source publications confirming our reports validity. Please check back often, and if you have a story to contribute to Any of our news focal pages, please Do submit them to our administrators for review and hopefully publication approperiately. Thank you All for your continued interest and support!
ONAC KM Chief Sachem 'Hawkeye' Graves Indicted on Seneca Sanctuary Bust!
Well, it's officially happened, as of her birthday, July 18th 2014 in the early afternoon, Oklevueha Native American Church of Kautantowit's Mecautea's Chief Sachem and CEO Joy Maxine 'Hawkeye' Graves was formally indicted by a Grant County Grand Jury for her authority and authorization of our sacramental garden in Seneca, Oregon.
The bust took place on the the 16th of June 2014 when the sheriff's department illegally raided 102 Ave. B, arresting two congregation tribal members, Raymond Scott Martin of Kansas City, MO, and Kenny Sean Walters (Connelly) of Walla Walla, WA whom were tending to the sanctuary and in the middle of establishing the sacrament garden.
13 of the 32 plants were uprooted and destroyed in the name of "evidence", the remaining went unseen by officials but ultimately were left to roast to death as a "conditional Release Agreement" forbad both members the right to return to the sanctuary and resume their obligations of tending to it and them.
As of now, all three ONAC KM members face one count of Manufacturing Marijuana within 1,000 feet of a school", a class "A" Felony with the statute indicating a maimum sentence of "up to 10 years in prison" and/or a "$300,000.00 fine".
Your encouraged to read the following published article which will cover more details as to what's going on with our Sachem:
ONAC KM of Oregon's Chief Sachem intervied on Prophecy Keepers Radio Today @ 5Pm!
For those of you whom might be interested, CEO and Chief Sachem Joy Maxine 'Hawkeye' Graves of Oklevueha Native American Church of Kautantowit's Mecautea of Oregon was interviewed by ONAC's own "Prophecy Keepers Radio" host Will 'BlueOtter' Anderson on August 24th at 5 o'clock Pacific Standard time about what's been going legally wrong in Oregon!
Those of you interested in hearing it but happened to miss it live will appreciate the link below.

ONAC KM establishes Central Eastern Oregon Sanctuary land
ONAC KM are proud to announce that we have just received confirmation from two of our newest adopted members, that we will soon begin establishing and preparing our newest additional resource for our members,a sacred sanctuary property located in Central Eastern Oregon.
'Hawkeye' Graves, our CEO & Sachem Healer of Oklevueha Native american Church of Kautantowit's Mecautea of Oregon, has graciously agreed to declare her privately owned lands in the dying little city of Seneca, Oregon Oklevueha Native American Church grounds after an entheusiastic request aout utillzing the land for both an ONAC and ONAC KM Sanctuary opposed to it sitting idle as it has for almost a decade.
Before catching settlers attention, Seneca was officially declared Paiute tribal land, which wasn't all too long ago. In fact, our chief Medicine Man's mother was orn in a tipi in what's now called Seneca, before the tribe was pushed to urns onto an established reservation.
Seneca is extremely a unique part of Turtle Island, as it's long declared "The refridgerator of the state", especially during the winter months when tempratures have dropped as low as 54* Below ZERO! Seneca sit's "in the middle of the forest in the middle of the desert" as 'Hawkeye' best describes it, Seneca is encompassed with trees and an abundance of wildlife's critters.
To the north of town sits a Golden Eagle's nest, active for more than 2 decades thus far and closely studied by Willamette University of Salem, our state's capitol. And just to the south of town sits a ald Eagle's nest, also active for more than a decade. Seneca sits where "antelope Valley" and "Bear Valley" come together and have an abundance of both as well as wild horses, bobcats, mountain lions and even black and cinnamon bear, among man other species of animal, too great to sit and name!
Though nestled between two well known hot desert cities, John Day being approximately 27 miles to the north, and then urns being approximately 56miles to the south along state Highway 395, Seneca itself remains fairly cool in the heat of the summer months, mainly believed because Seneca literally sits in the center of a pre-historic lake, one which Mammoths are believed to have came to drink from while waundering the high desert region!

Salem-News reports on ONAC KM sanctuary raid
We are proud to announce that Salem-News.com has released an article regarding the illegal raid on the ONAC KM sanctuary in central eastern Oregon back in June of 2014.
CEO and publisher of Salem-News.com Ms. Bonnie King has personally agreed to cover the situation herself if and as this progresses. Salem-News.com is the first and leading media newsource on the internet and is the first "main stream media" to incorporate a permanent Cannabis section into their news broadcast!
We invite and encourage you to check out the article via the link below, and to check in with www.salem-news.com often.
ONAC KM Church member Appears in court for tending sanctuary & garden in Seneca
At 10 o'clock Am on the morning of August 19th 2014, Raymond Scott Martin of Kansas City, Missouri appeared in the Grant County, Oregon Circuit Court for a scheduled "Plea Hearing" before Judge William Cramer for his part in the ONAC KM sacrament grow that was raided on their central eastern sanctuary in Seneca, Oregon back in June of this year.
Raymond Martin and friend & fellow congregation/trial member Kenny Walters were tending to the preperation of the sanctuary property for ceremony and were also tending to the sacrament garden, which was primarily at the time being planted with cannabis when police swooped in and took illegal action.
13 of 32 plants freshly placed in the ground were seized and Martin along with Walters were arrested at the scene regardless of their explination and defense of the sanctuary and the sacrament garden. Both men are charged with "Manufacturing Marijuana within 1,000 feet of a school", a class "A" felony that is punishable by up to 10 years in prison or a $300,000.00 fine or both.
Upon Martin's arraignment in July, Judge Cramer stated that Martin faces "between 10 - 15 years in prison" for this charge if convicted. Kenny Walters has yet to appear for formal arraignment.
Expecting to hear a plea of either innocence or guilt from Martin, imagine the suprise when a "Motion to Dismiss" and notice of intent to assert "Religious Defense" was instead entered onto the official record as Mr. Martin's legal position regarding this situation.
The actions were accepted by the court and no official guilt or innocent plea was entered in to the court regarding this case. Martin was ordered to again appear before the court on this matter October 30th at 8:30 Am.
Sachem of ONAC KM formally charged in sanctuary garden raid
It is with great sadness that we must inform you, that ONAC KM is again under legal fire for producing sacrament on their sanctuary property in Seneca, Oregon.
In June, Sheriff Glen Palmer along with Deputy Mobily of the Grant County Sheriff's Office moved in Illegally on the sanctuary grounds and took action on the garden as it was being planted.
13 of the 32 plants that were freshly planted were quickly up-rooted and seized by police along with two congrgation members who were establishing the garden arrested at the scene.
Upon their release, they promptly made contact with the sachem who immediately stepped forward into the direct line of fire, informing both the sheriff as well as the DA that it was by her authority as guarenteed by the constitution and additional federal laws that assured her congregation members innocence.
Despite the false promise of DA staff intending to dismiss the case entirely, Graves was officially indicted by a Grand Jury in Grant County on her birthday, which was in mid-July. "I gave them all the information I could to confirm the validity of our church including direct contact with our mother church in Utah, which they said if it proved true they would promptly dismiss this case... ut they've Yet to even Attempt to confirm the validity of the church, and instead flat don't acknowledge that this is in fact a church and religious issue wrongfully being pushed thru the courts" Graves said.
Graves has been officially charged with "manufacturing marijuana within 1,000 feet of a school, a Class "A" Felony that is punishable by up to 10 years in prison or a $300,000.00 fine or both. In court, Judge William Cramer read Graves both her state as well as constitutional rights and encouraged her to not speak nor attempt to enter anything to the court until she has an attorney. Graves advised she intended to have one on board the beginning of September.
Graves was placed on a Conditional Release Agreement without the need of bail, as were both her now co-defendants before her in this process, including a "No Intoxicant" clause implimented to which she objected saying "It's detremental to my health." Judge Cramer stated that once Graves has legal counsel assisting her defense, the attorney could file a "Motion to Reconsider", but that until then, the conditional release stands as-is.
Judge Cramer did however emphasize on record that he expects the DA to "Confirm the validity of the church" and stated that if and when it is, that he "Expects this to be resolved before the next court date", which he scheduled for the same time as co-defendant Raymond Martin. They're both to re-appear for a "Motion/Plea Hearing" October 30th at 8:30 Am.

Raymond Scott Martin

Salem-News.com publisher Bonnie King (Green Shirt) and ONAC KM Sachem Joy M. 'Hawkeye' Graves Aug. 2014
Photo By Sean King

ONAC KM Sachem 'Hawkeye' Graves
ONAC KM of Oregon's Chief Sachem interviewed by Blue Mountain Eagle Newspaper Editor!
As many may recall, it was the "Blue Mountain Eagle" newspaper that first publically broke the news publically about the raid on the ONAC KM Sanctuary property in Seneca, Oregon, However, most seem unaware that the story published it was incomplete, one-sided, and lacked fact, same as the case lacks foundation and merit in itself.
The editor spent close to 45 minutes on the interview via phone, and stated that she intended on publishing a new story "After I get the audio transcripts from your arraignment... there's a few things that intrigue me."
One of the points catching her interest is that the court instructed that the state "confirm the validity of the church." This is something that should have been done long before this phase of the situation! "I gave all that information and encouraged them to do this back in June... the DA's staff assured me that they would, but the've Yet to try" Graves said in disgust. "What a Waste of law enforcement resources!"
Another point of interest is how it is Judge Cramer is threatening sentence imposements that exceed the written law's limits. For example, the state statute (law) reads clearly that this charge specifically holds a sentence of "Up to 10 years in prison, or a $300,000.00 fine or both. Judge Cramer, first seeing Mr. Martin, threatened him with "Between 10-15 years in prison." Then the second, Sachem 'Hawkeye' Graves was threatened by judge Cramer with "up to 20 years in prison" and of course, the same financial fine.

ONAC KM Donation Account established!
For those of you whom have been asking to help our cause, well, now you can. All you have to do is walk into Any "US Bank" (or maill into Any branch of US Bank) your donation whether big or small and know that it will get here 100% and will be appreciated ten times ten thousand!
When you contact US Bank wanting to help us and our cause and endeavors, just tell the banker that you'd like to donate "X" amount into the "ONAC KM Donation Account."
Currently, as many well know, we are experiencing some legal difficulties here in Oregon, so ANYTHING that you can and are willing to spare to help us out, again, we appreciate it beyond measure.
Once our obligations and debts are met, any and all excess funds will go into our "General Account" which will be used for church expenses and for expanding our great many goals for ONAC KM.
September 2014
August 2014
August 2014
July 2014
March 2014
June 2014
August 2014
August 2014
September 2014

Top Oregon Cannabis attorney joining ONAC KM in sacrament raid case!
It is with great pleasure that we inform you top cannais attorney Brian Michaels of Eugene has agreed to sign on as Lead Counsel in the ONAC KM defense case!
Spokesmen for ONAC KM report that Mr. Michaels agreed and signed onto the case after James Warren 'Flaming Eagle' Mooney recited Constitutional law and expressed intent of prosecution of the Oregon officials involved in the illegal raid on the church, and at a reduced fee at that, half the rate of his original quote in fact!
"Brian's batting average if I were to try and describe it would be 99/100" ONAC KM sachem 'Hawkeye' Graves said during the announcement, "and he is Extremely selective about which cases he will take - his rejects are those later beat by less versed attorneys, so I was delighted as well as confidently Relieved when he agreed to jump into this case on our behalf" she said "It really says a lot as far as I'm concerned and there's nobody else I'd rather have on my team going thru all this."
Upon Michaels signing onto the case, he also assisted Graves in applying for court appointed counsel. Due to her sub-poverty income she was approved, however, the Grant County circuit court have also sent Graves a bill for approximately $250.00 as cost for the court-appointed attorney, something rarely heard of. Graves says she believes that it's likely because of Michaels being financially retained as lead counsel on the case and her behalf.
Another interesting twist is Where it is they found an attorney for her. Grant county itself only have one court appointed defense attorney, which was appointed for Graves co-defendant Raymond Martin. The third congregation member also court appointed counsel had to be pulled from Harney county over 50 miles away from the court - Graves court appointed attorney has been assigned from Deshutes county, Madras, Oregon to be exact, more than a few hours drive west of the county where the case is to be heard.
Graves laughs, stating she wondered where they'd get her a court appointed "If they can find one at all" as she notes they are an extremely poor county overall. "It's ok though, once the court is put on notice it should be promptly dismissed if not before, Judge Cramer has instructed the DA to confirm the validity of the court and then to have it resolved before the next court date" Graves said.
If ANYONE is interested in helping Graves and ONAC KM with these piling bills, please either walk or mail your donation to ANY US Bank and note to them that it's for the "ONAC KM Donation Account".

September 2014
ONAC KM is looking for Volunteer Staff to foundation our news section, all positions so inquire if interested
ONAC KM of Oregon's South Valley Sanctuary under unusual attack~
September 2014
As many know, ONACKM hasbeen experiencing quite the negative sort of luck these days, from first losing our faith in establishing within the Harrisburg community, to next being Screwed on and out of our main church-house building, to then having our central eastern sanctuary Raided and TWO of our church members arrested followed by our sachem being indicted, and just when one would utter "it can't Possibly get any worse, it has... our south valley sanctuary is under attack, and in a Weird way!
ONAC KM was in the progress of establishing our Service Dogs for Veterans program, which we were doing at our south valley sanctuary, and FIVE of our puppies were apparently Stolen from the sanctuary while the sachem was out east dealing with some of the Seneca raid case. Also too seemingly at the same time, the windshield of our sachem's classic Opel 39 eagon has been busted out of it while it sit on the sanctuary land there at the south valley property.
We Have confirmed that the pups were found safe, but, not until AFTER they were officially adopted out from the local shelter where they were found, apparently LEGAL for them to have done. We are told that three of the pups went to city police officer homes and all are doing well and seemingly happy.
Also too, it was witnessed by a fekkiw tribal member while at the south valley sanctuary and not too terribly longafter this, the niece of our president was seen attempting to literally plow over our president, her half uncle - TWICE before ultimately putting her vehicle out of commission, which is seems remaining to be at this time.
We do not Know for conclusive fact whether or not these incidents are related or not, but too, a similar past history of behavior is well known and easily suspected of her that they likely could be. Either way we felt it best that fellow tribal congregation members are aware of what is going on, especially pertaining to things that shouldn't be at and or around our sanctuary property.
ONAC KM of Oregon's South Valley Sanctuary security in serious question of safety for service dog program~
October 2014
Some of you may be aware of the disappearance of our sachem's service dog, a HUGE male un-neutered St. Bernard) went missing from our south valley sanctuary property before even it was affiliated to ONAC KM, from a closed AKC quality kennel,still with no word or answer as to why or how.
Fortunately, or so it seemed, we have the son of that treasured Saint that was planned to sire for our Service Dogs for Vets program.
Now, it is with great sadness, concern and upset, that we must inform all of you that SOMETHING is WRONG with our boy 'Nikomotoe Almshaus Graves', adn the vet, despite endless testing cannot figure it out other than to conclude it appears as if it may involve a "Toxin poisoning".
And if this news is not bad enough to hear, one by one, two more of our females are now showingsigns of the same unexplaned situation, one far worse off than Nikomo himself.
All of the lab and additional tests are indicating there is absolutely Nothing appearing as wrong with the saints, other than their bone marrow is irritated and inflammed by Something toxic.
ONAC KM out of tremendous fear and concern are working with our vet to further call for an answer. We are involvingboth OSUaswell as a clinicalresearchdiagnostics company to help determine what Exactly is going on and wrong with our pups and HOPE it is easily and paonlessly fixable.We ask for your well wishes, blessings and prayers for them at and through this scary of times.
ONAC KM has new and legendary Tribal Elder making history~
September 2014
ONAC KM is humbly honored to introduce to you, a man who needs absolutely No introduction to those appreciative of music upon our world yet deserves the highest and warmest of welcome and respects into our tribal family and we hope you will join us in saluting legendary country music artist, folk hero, musician and song writer Mr. Willie Hugh Nelson into our branch!
Willie is officially our tribal member as of September 25th 2014, along with his son Lukas Nelson and daughter Amy Nelson. Both children continue the honor of their family legacy in the music world, Lukas with his band "Promise of the Real" and Amy along with Cathy Gunthrie with their band "Folk Uke" - all have such immeasurable talent and are wonderful musicians worthy of much honor. It is our hope that too Cathy will join our ONAC KM tribe, we are awaiting her answer at this time and will let you all know once word comes from the smoke of her way.
We have humbly offered and appointed Willie into among the most important and honored of position we have to offer him within our tribal branch - and happily we introduce him to all of you as Tribal Elder of the Kautantowit's Mecautea branch of ONAC and ask that you show him much love, acceptance and honor!
Consequently, the Sturday after his adoption into ONAC KM, Elder Nelson found his way to Neligh, Nebraska, along with dear friend Neil Young where they were honored by the Rosebud, Oglala, Ponca and Omaha Nations for their dedication to family farmers, ranchers and native families.
Included in this offiial welcoming ceremony, Willie and Neil were gifted each with a buffalo hide that were hand-painted by artist Steve Tamayo and a handful of volunteers called "Pipeline Fighters". The hides artwork use symbols to tell the tribes legendary story of "People killing the black snake" which in tribal prophecy is believed to be the Keystone XL pipeline, an pbvious extreme threat to both land and water and strongly opposed by First Nations peoples, rightfully so!
The event was called "Rock Against Keystone XL at 'Harvest the Hope" and was covered mainly by First Nations media sources, otherwise seemingly unspoken or even heard of except for those who attended.
You are encouraged to check out the link provided immediately to the left here, that covered and reported on the event and we hope you find great pride in their efforts as do we - we are all so Blessed for the love and wise conscious of Elder Nelson, and are eternally grateful to be standing as well as fighting this and all necessary and worthy battles on behalf of mother earth from this point forward with him!
We thankfully honor "Indiancountrytodaymedicinenetwork.com" for their coverage of "Harvest for Hope" publication wise as well as for their wonderful photographs of it, some of which you will see here.
"As caretakers of our land, family farmers know best what's good for it, We stand with these family farmers fighting for their land, livelihood and community.”
~Willie Nelson~ September 30th 2014

April 22nd, 2014 - Matt Ipson joined the staff at the Grant County District Attorney's Office as Deputy DA.
William D. Cramer, Jr. is the presiding judge on the Harney and Grant County Circuit Court in Oregon. The court has jurisdiction over Harney and Grant Counties and is located within the 24th Judicial District. He was re-elected in 2014 for a term that expires on January 3, 2021. He was elected without opposition in the primary on May 20, 2014.
Judge Cramer graduated from:
Burns Union High school, 1970-1973
Harvard College, AB American History, 1973-1978
University of Oregon Law School, JD, 1978-1981
He was a Juvenile Judge pro tem, 1994-1996 and
Justice of the Peace, Burns District 1995-96
William Cramer has reported to have done criminal prosecution (municipal court), criminal defense including multiple aggravated murder cases, all types of civil litigation from medical malpractice to product liability, employment law and "everything in-between." In addition he had an office practice of probate, real estate, business planning, etc.
"As the only judge in my district, I preside over all the types of cases filed in the Circuit Court. Drug treatment courts were implemented in both counties under my administration and I acted as the judge in those courts for approximately five years. Harney still has a specialty drug court over which I am the administrative head but no longer act as the judge." ~William Cramer~
To learn more about Judge William Cramer, please review his bio by cliking the button.

Meet the Defense Team

Brian Michaels
Lead Defense
Eugene, Oregon
Un-Named Defendent
Tim Gassner
Madras, Oregon
Reverend Sachem Healer
Joy M. 'Hawkeye' Graves
Salem, Oregon
Rob Raschio
Defense Co-Counsel
Canyon City, Oregon
Raymond Scott Martin
Kansas City, Missouri
Judicial Law Clerk
The Hon. Charles D. Carlson, Lane County Circuit Court
August 2013 – April 2014 (9 months)Eugene, Oregon Area
Small Business Clinic, University of Oregon School of Law
January 2013 – May 2013 (5 months)Eugene, Oregon Area
Judicial Extern
Lane County Circuit Court
August 2012 – December 2012 (5 months)Eugene, Oregon Area
Law Clerk, Special Litigation Unit
Oregon Department of Justice
May 2012 – August 2012 (4 months)Portland, Oregon Area
Law Clerk
Harder Wells Baron & Manning
October 2011 – August 2012 (11 months)Eugene, OR
Small Claims Mediator
Lane County Circuit Court Mediation Clinic
August 2011 – December 2011 (5 months)Eugene, OR
Crook County Legal Department
May 2011 – August 2011 (4 months)Prineville, OR
Office Assistant
February 2010 – August 2010 (7 months)Salt Lake City, UT
Political Science Teaching Assistant
Brigham Young University
August 2009 – January 2010 (6 months)Provo, UT
Book Binder and Cutter
BYU Print and Mail Services
May 2007 – January 2010 (2 years 9 months)Provo, Utah Area
House of Representatives Intern
Utah State Legislature
January 2009 – March 2009 (3 months)Salt Lake City, UT
"My father, who practiced law for over 50 years. I admired his integrity. He built long lasting, positive relationships with clients. He established an ethic that in addition to doing your work well, you also had a responsibility to serve the
community, --and in his case, serve on state wide committees, --with the goal of making civic life better for everyone. He also truly enjoyed his legal practice.
University of Oregon School of Law
Doctor of Law (J.D.), Top 25% of Class
2010 – 2013
Activities and Societies: • Managing Editor, Oregon Review of International Law • Moot Court Board
Brigham Young University
BA, Political Science
2007 – 2009
Viewmont High School
2001 – 2004
Activities and Societies: National Honor Society • Senior Committee • Tennis • Cross Country
Matt's education includes:
Meet our Prosecution:
Meet our presiding Judge"
Brian Michaels has been an attorney in Oregon since 1992. He incorporated his firm with the state of Oregon in 2001.
His practice focuses on drug cases specializing in both medical and non-medical marijuana defenses, medical marijuana/property return, and asset forfeiture.
He has served as a long standing member of the Oregon Health Authority’s Advisory Committee on Medical Marijuana; is lifetime member of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML); a Sponsoring member of National Cannabis Industry Association (NCIA); He was also cofounder and legal counsel for the High Times’ WHEE I and WHEE II (World Hemp Extravaganza) concerts in Harrisburg, Oregon.
With over two decades of experience working within the Oregon judicial system to provide his clients with aggressive, honest and straight forward representation.
He specializes in representing people charged with marijuana related offenses, specializing in medical marijuana defenses and facilitating the successful return of patient’s medication and property.
Brian is a Lifetime Member of the legal Committee National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws2008 – present, is a Member of the Oregon Criminal Defense Lawyers Association1993 – present, a Member of the Oregon State Bar from 1992 – present, and also is a member of the National Cannabis Industry Association presently, and he is a valued treasure to the Oregon Health Authority Advisory Committee on Medical Marijuana presently as well.
Timothy Richard Gassner has been a practicing Oregon attorney since 2002. He graduated from Oregon State University, 1998 BS Communications & English and also graduated from Willamette University Law School, 2002 JD.
Tim moved to Madras in 2004 with his wife and two children. Mr. Gassner enjoys fishing and recreational sports.
Mr. Gassner has been involved in all facets of the Practice of General Law while at Glenn, Reeder & Gassner, LLP. He is a member of the Oregon Criminal Defense Lawyers Association and
former Vice-President 22nd Judicial District Bar Association.
Tim's community involvements include: Jefferson County Youth Organization,dba The Kids Club, the
Rotary Club of Jefferson County, and Former Coach of the Mock Trial for Madras High School.
His areas of expertize include: Domestic Relations, Criminal Defense, Bankruptcy, Personal Injury, Business/Real Estate, Civil Litigation, and Administrative Law
Tim Gassner is the Court Appointed Counsel for Reverend Sachem Healer Joy Maxine 'Hawkeye' Graves in this case.
Robert "Rob" Raschio was born and raised in Oregon. He is the Two-time President of the Oregon Criminal Defense Lawyers Association, editor of the OCDLA Trial Notebook (a widely used publication by lawyer throughout Oregon) Robert Raschio is a well regarded defender of the rights of the accused throughout Oregon. Born and raised in Oregon, having graduated from Portland State University and the University of Oregon Law School, he knows this state well.
Rob moved his practice to Grant County Oregon in January of 2014, replacing ling time defense attorney Markku Sario whom retired this year.
He was a shareholder in Morris, Smith, Starns, Raschio & Sullivan, PC from July 2006 – December 2013 (7 years 6 months).
Rob was also a partner in Mallon, Lamborn, & Raschio, PC from October 2002 – July 2006 (3 years 10 months). Please note, John Lamborn is the defense attorney for Kenny Sean Walters-Connelly in this case as well.
Ron's educational history includes having graduated from the University of Oregon School of Law with his Doctor of Law (J.D.), Law 1998 – 2001, and also graduating from
Portland State University with a Bachelor of Science (B.S.), in History 1994 – 1997.
John Lamborn is the court appointed defense cousel for ONAC KM tribal member Kenny Sean Walters-Connelly of Washington State.
John fraduated from University of the Pacific - McGeorge School of Law where he attained his
JD, Law which he attended from 1987 – 1990. Before that, he graduated from the University of Oregon with a BS, in Psychology he attained from 1978 – 1982. While there, his Activities and Societies include: Delta Tau Delta fraternity.
John is known for his involvement as Past President, Burns Lions Club; Past Chairman, Harney County Planning Commission. He has received the Oregon Lions Sight and Hearing Fellow honor.
John credits himself for Criminal defense and trial practice focusing on substance abuse and sex offenses. Current board member, Oregon Criminal Defense Lawyers Assn. Domestic relations matters. Personal injury. Water rights. Welcome to Harney County ... Come on vacation, leave on probation.

ONAC KM joins forces with Human Solutions International
On October 30th 2014 just after court, ONAC KM sachem healer Joy Grave agreed to and accepted a chapter of Human Solutions International.
The Human Solution International is a grassroots network of people that began in Southern California. Chapters have been chartered covering the Northern, Central, and Southern areas of California as well Arizona, Colorado, Washington, Michigan and Ohio. You can become a member and start a chapter too! The Human Solution International has recently become a federally recognized and registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization; any and all donations are tax deductible.
The purpose of The Human Solution International is to support each other through the trials we face as cannabis consumers and spread educational information about cannabis. California voters approved cannabis for medical uses in 1996, now more than 19 states and our nation's capital all have compassionate use laws.

ONAC KM is proud to stand among Joe Grumbie (not pictured) Mindi Griffiths, Sharon Garland Marcell, Becca Nichols and all the great many front line freedom fighters for cannabis liberation and to be in complete support of this cause and endeavor. Too many people are having their entire lives snatched away from them for simply using a medicinal PLANT that heals beyond all capeabilities of medical science. Once incarcerated, they seem quickly forgotten and out-right ignored by society Including the cannabis community and this is what we intend on changing for all of our sakesand we hope that YOU join in and help us accomplish this.
ONAC KM's sacrament case continues
On October 30th at 8:30Am, the case pertaining to the ONAC KM sanctuary raid and sacrament bust was called to order by the honorable Judge William D. Cramer Jr. Testimony was heard by church founder James Warren 'Flaming Eagle' Mooney with no real objection from the prosecution. Evidence proving legal validity of Oklevueha as well as specifically ONAC KM was offered and accepted into evidence also with no objection by the prosecution. Testimony from Reverend Sachem healer Joy Maxine 'Hawkeye' Graves was also heard with no objection by the prosecution.
Ultimately, the court "Ran out of time" to complete the case. Despite the court knowing that Ms. Graves court appointed counsel was scheduled to appear for a trial in another county on November 5th, the court had placed that date on the docket for the hearing to continue as well as December 4th 2014 which as we are told now will be the date in fact that this case continues with the "Motion/Plea" hearing.
Before the court went off record, Judge Cramer did in fact acknowledge the validity of this church, and lifted the "No Contact Orer" between Graves and her tribal ember and co-defendant Raymond Scott Martin "for religious counseling" and purpose. Judge Cramer also Did in fact note on the record that he acknowledged Cannabis to be their sacrament substance but instructed Graves and Martin that though they may come together, they are still NOT Allowed to use their sacrament until this hearing concludes. Defense attorney's have been instructed to file a formal objection on that ban stating that it completely dvistates the functionability of the church and harms church members.
Graves also hopes to have Dr. William Courtney testify in the continuance as to the importance of cannabis sacrament both medicinally as the expert he is, and also on behalf of Oklevueha Native American Church as he himself is also president of his own independant branch.
The case is set to continue on December 4th 2014 at 3:30Pm in the Circuit Court located in downtown Canyon City, Oregon - all are asked as well as encouraged to attend for support as they liberate cannabis completely for all native born persons as well as tho throw clear cannabis sativa's siblings, Indica and Ruderailis once and for all as bot siblings of sativa are NOT "Federally Controlled Substances".
Graves testified as that being among her three primary reasons for having filed a motion to dismiss on the grounds that the state has No Jurisdiction nor ANY legal "Standing" attempting to prosecute this case. Please stay tuned and we will keep you posted as this continues... and THANK YOU for your Support and attention/concern to this matter.
Brian Michaels has been retained by Graves to serve as the defenses lead counsel on this case on behalf of the church as a whole.
Reverend Sachem Healer Joy Maxine 'Hawkeye' Graves has been a front line cannabis freedom fighter for more than 25 years accrediting most of her drive and ambition in this having ccome from her "Second Father" legendary author and cannabis activist Mr. Jack Herer whom is accredited for establishing the modern day cannabis movement and community world wide. Graves was dearly loved by Herer and in fact trusted Graves to protect he and his works via a Durable Power Of Attorney and also as his own personal Medical Director via an Advanced Directive.
Raymond Scott Martin has been an ONAC KM tribal member in Good Standing since the beginning of this year. He came to the central eastern Oregon sanctuary in March seeking an escape from Kansas City, Missouri and the life and drugs encompassing him there. This case ha apparently made him a victim for that effort and continues to hinder his rehabilitation progress. Martin has 4 yong children and a mother back home in Missouri whom all were in complete support of his decision to join teh church and come out west seeking a better direction for his life, they now sit in fear that he may end up in prison as the state of Oregon is threatening him with. Martin says he does NOT regret joining the church nor coming out west, and hopes that the case will be dismissed so that he can continue his course toward a more successful and productive life for the sake of his familymore than even for his own sake.
ONAC KM's Sachem does interviews about the east Oregon case
This month, the sachem healer of ONAC KM, healer Joy M. 'Hawkeye' Graves has interviewed with the following media sources: The Human Solution International, The Hemp and Cannabis Fondation (THCF), Salem-News, Prophecy Keepers Radio, and Toke Signals.
You will find the links to these articles below as they become known and available to the public as sources and you're highly recommended to red them as well as to pass them along to any and all else you may be able to positively reach for this situation.
Also the situation has reached the news in actual publication, meaning paper print! The Blue Mountain Eagle is the first printed news media company to cover this case media wise and this as their second story about it, has gained growing support among the locals in the Grant County area as well as beyond.
According to the local markets, all the papers sold out, which they state rarely if ever happens with the small weekly newspaper. Store clerks also report that it's indeed the front and top story of the paper that has prompted the spike in sales. "Some peoplel have been coming in and buying 304 at a time saying it's because of the landmark church pot case" said a 30 year employee and cashier at Safeway in Burns, more than 50 miles south of where the incident took place.

ONAC KM announces a Member in trouble with Two states!
ONAC KM would like to announce and bring to all of your information that we have yet another apparent victimized tribal member currently under attack for his choice being put into the faith of our beloved mother medicinal earth-based sacrament opposed to ineffective "man-made" pharmaceutically created "medicines."
Jason Endicott, a typical "blue collar" native born of Turtle Island... Oregon. Jason is a loving and devoted husband and father to a ver special little girl, with very special needs. Physicians believe that due to an in-utero stroke, the little girl was born with Cerebral Palsy, Autistic Spectrum Disorder, and suffers from extremely Dangerous life-threatening seizures. Additionally, due to severe palatal deformity, the poor little thing has already had to endure Multiple operations attempting to help her and better her quality of life. Very Few are properly medically trained to attempt to handle such a heartbreaking medical nightmare, but Jason and his wife have been there... faith intact, and simpl tring to stay afloat along this wild and crazy river ride known as "Civilized Life" here upon mother Earth.
ONAC KM announces Biblical Studies Education Specialist
It is with great pleasure that ONAC KM sachem healer Hawkeye Graves announced earlier today the blessing of a Biblical Educator to and from within the tribe! Stephen Adams, better known among the tribe as "Obadiah Yehweh" has graciously accepted the position within the ONAC KM tribe as biblical educator and plans include him heading up and administrating all pages biblical both on our website as well as through facebook as ONAC's social media outlet.
This will include but not be limited to such things as a weekly sermon page as well as blog abilities regarding the weekly studies on the ONACKM.com website as well as video recorded sermons of the bible along with the parallylization between biblical religions and First Nations religions and culture.
Additionally Adams will oversee and lead the ONACKM prayer circle page on facebook as well as to share some of his wisdom sermons and interactions via facebook.
All ONAC members are welcomed into this project and non members also will have limited access to these sites and sermons as well, just limited so as to protect the integrity of the endeavor. Please check back soon for links to these options and oportunities as we will get links posted below just as soon as they become available.
ONAC KM receives surprise blessing at Hempstalk Oregon 2014
As many of you may well know, deciders of the annual Portland Hempstalk of Oregon have blessed ONAC KM sachem healer Joy Graves with the honors of running the "Jack Herer" booth space so long as she lives and wants it", which to her is among the honors or honor she has yet to receive from within the cannabis community... and though this years was expected to twist and turn like no other, Great Creator shows his hand is well assertable in all situations for HIS best of interests.
Intended as the first ever "Dry Fest", Hempstalk was forced into the heart of downtown Portland for the years festivities.
During this festival, Graves was approached at the booth from ling time canadian front line cannabis freedom fighting activist as well as religious ecpert Chris Bennett with a suprise beyond measure - for with him, he brought Michael Rex 'Raging Bear' Mooney, head of the Native American Church of Hawaii "NACHI", and son of our church founder James Warren 'Flaming Eagle' Mooney.
Hawkeye and Raging Bear spent much of the festival together, as well as hours beyond it's end, discussing the ways, problems as well as hopes and asperations of ONAC and how if at all they could work together at betering the odds of the churches success.
During the final day of the Hempstalk, between the stage slots of John Trudell and Likas Nelson and Promise of the Real, Graves and Mooney were welcomed to Jack Herer memorial stage to speak about ONAC and were allowed to explain as well as to demonstrate symbolic meaning behind the Chanupa Pipe Ceremony live on the stage! Mooney emphasized how in NACHI utalizes both Tobacco as the "father medicine" and cannabis as the "mother medicine" while partaking in various purposed pipe ceremonies within as well as beyond the Native American Church and it's formal ceremony.
Mooney went on to explain to the crowd of thousands that "by making smoke, your sending your conscuous as well as subconscious prayers up to the ears of Great Creator", that it's the smoke that carries the prayes up to Great Creator. The crowd as well especially as the ONAC members in attendanceat the fest were proud to see the knowledge learned and contimplated by the masses.

During a recent interview ONAC KM sachem Joy Graves had with Wil Blueotter Anderson of ONAC and ProphecyKeepers Radio last week, the announcement of extablishing a Native American Church "Sacrament Dispensary" was announced part way into the show, and with the word of blessing from the mother church in Utah, specifically from James Warren 'Flaming Eagle' Mooney himself personally.
True and sensable as it seems, it's yet more unchartered legal waters as far as any church has yet to go and therefore not suprising to see Graves jumping to the fore-front of the legal lines. Graves reports this to be an "in process project" and one she hopes to see up and effectively running by the pre-summer months of 2016 in as well as beyond the ONAC KM branch.
ONAC KM announces blessing to establish Sacrament Dispensary
Times have always been rougher in the pacific Northwest more than elsewhere upon our land, and as Oregon began bottoming out for the young struggling couple, with More than their share of uphill road to conquer as the venture and journied together. As things began seemingly falling apart, Jason decided to reach for a helping hand from his sister who lives in Florida.
A seasonal job was introduced to the table for his wife If they could venture from coast to coast, which they decidedd to do once Jason's medicinal sacrament garden was concluded in it's cycle. Once chopped down, it was into the vehicle the family went, eastward bound, and onl one Risk stood in their way... the golden star of that lone star state... Texas. Definately not wanting Any sort of hassle as the famil attempted to pass through, Jason stored his harvest in a carryall attached to the roof of the vehicle, about 4 pounds dry and a few ounces of hashish, which is Always a sign of a successful grower. But, sure as shit, as luck would have it,encountering officers Admit it was the "Oregon plate" that drew their interest in the Endicott family, nothing more nor nothing done Wrong... just the plates state on the car. "Oregon is one of them Marijuana states, do you have any marihuana in your car" the officer states, accompaniede with the threat of intensl searching the car. So, given Jason's situation and for the sake of his family, he cooperated Full with police and gave them all his medicine from atop the car. For this he went to jail BUT wasn't kept long because of his health conditions and requirements. Needless to say this cost the job opportunit from there table too.
So back home to Oregon the went, medicinless, jobless, penniless and even Homeless - until this last fall. The famil got back on it's feet and into a place they could call Home. Then, in Clackamas Count, Oregon, he was encounterred and his whole disposition would be drastically changed. According to police, they chose to encounter Jason for having no license plate light on the rear of his truck. And this is how Jason found out that he had a warrant in Texas put out against him, despite them already keeping his medicinal sacrament, and this warrant was a felony, so you Know his ass was being hauled to Jail! Jason was asked to sign a consent waiver for ectradition for Texas but he refused, so Oregon retaliated be charging Jason with a "Felony Fugitive", completely uncalled for that they ice it with that kind of cake!
February 20th Jason has an extradition hearing in Clackamas County Oregon and we Encourage you ALL to attend in support and defense of he and his family. If the court approves an extradition, then as we understand itm it will be up to the Governor who would be needed to sign it into law, We call all users to action in th support to Jason and his family, and we ask that if you can, would you consider donating to the Endicott family.
But believe it or not, this isn't about her... not directl anyway, though ultimatel it could mean the difference between her literal life and death... this case is about her father, and his decision and attempt to be a good supporter of his families best interest.
Jason too has some rather extreme medical issues and ailments for a young man of his age, he's what's called "A Brittle Diabetic", meaning that when all non-invasive medical options proved ineffective for his condition, physicians and specialists made the call and inserted an insulin pump into Jason's being, and vow that it has and continues to literally Save his life. We who know mother, knows that cannabis Can and in fact Has aided in diabteic and blood sugar regulation issues, so this, along with the extreme neurological symptoms as well as non-stop pain from a vehicle accident, Jason qualified and in fact was and even-still remains a sanctioned Oregon Medicinal Cannabis patient. Problem is, that it's not the rose colored perfection one would presume that it is to have or be in compliance with it is all, and too many believe that it is.

ONAC Warriors supported with legal fund by Mother Church
A letter from our Mother Church to ALL ONAC Members, Branches, Representatives & Supporters:
Dear Good People,
Thank you for your courageous stand for your and ONAC Civil Liberties.
You in particular have suffered and prevailed against the most grievous conspiracy to deprive a group of people of their civil liberties in American History. This conspiracy started in 1918 immediately upon the incorporation of the Native American Church. A Reading of http://nativeamericanchurches.org/legal/ and it's links will give you and your appointed attorney's a fuller understanding of this conspiracy.
It is interesting to note 'historically' one of the two most grievous state perpetrator's that have 'enthusiastically' supported the United States Government and a multitude of its agencies in denying the Indigenous American Native Spiritual Culture (ONAC) of its civil liberties is now the only state, presently, in the union that recognizes and is actively supporting the Native American Church as a legitimate religious movement. Therefore I have no interest in the slightest to being part nor support any litigation against the state of Utah nor will ONAC have anything to do with any litigation against the state of Utah. Receiving council from a multitude of Inner-Mountain West Indigenous American Native Elders including myself we all have forgiven the state of Utah.
However, the following people and a number of others have had their civil liberties 'knowingly' and grossly violated by the states and/or federal governments that your churches reside in. Thus ONAC is in full support of yourself's in filling state and/or federal civil suit actions, especially against the state of Texas. ONAC is preparing a Legal Trust Fund, that this group will be the recipients of.
Every American and especially all of ONAC independent branches and their members owe you an unlimited amount of respect and appreciation for your stand. I pray that the Great Spirit will continue to bless you with any all of you're goodly pursuits.
“Like the miner’s canary, the Indian marks the shifts from fresh air to poison gas in our political atmosphere; and our treatment of Indians, even more than our treatment of other minorities, reflects the rise and fall in our democratic faith…” Felix S. Cohen
Please know that there will be a detailed report given out for every dime spent from the ONAC Legal Defense Fund to all contributors. http://www.gofundme.com/knxjpo

ONAC KM is sad to announce that our "Motion to Dismiss on the grounds of Lack of Jurisdiction" in the Grant Count Circuit Court case regarding our central eastern Oregon sanctuary raid back in June 2014 has been DENIED by Judge William Cramer.
ONAC KM ruled Against in Grant County Circuit Court
"Here, defendants are not an "institutionalized person." However, the question remains whether "within a 1000 feet
from a school" is a land use regulation. I find it is not. "Land use regulations" is a term of art that does not
include criminal laws. In any event, the state has a compelling state interest to exclude non-medical marijuana from being near schools. It does trouble me that medical needs may be addressed differently, but the legislature could have barred medical possession and use within a 1000 feet of a school as well, but chose to make a
Finally, defendant's argue if peyote is allowed by statute (both state and federal), marijuana must also be allowed.
This argument has consistently been rejected by both the federal and state courts. Peyote is not allowed to be used because it is a constitutional right, rather it is allowed by statutes, in Oregon both state and federaL
Based on current constitutional precedent and law there is no constitutional violation of the Free Exercise of
Religion clauses.
Harney County Courthouse, 450 N. Buena Vista #16, Burns, OR 97720; PHONE (541)573-5207 FAX(541)573-5715
Grant County Courthouse, 201 S. Humbolt St., P.O. Box 159, Canyon City, OR 97820; PHONE (541)575-1438FAX (541)575-2165
Tammy Wheeler, Trial Court Administrator
Mr Ipson should draft the order of denial, and these matters should be set promptly for plea.
Circuit Judge
Harney County Courthouse, 450 N. Buena Vista #16, Burns, OR 97720; PHONE (541)573-5207 FAX (541)573-5715
Grant County Courthouse, 201 S. Humbolt St., P.O. Box 159, Canyon City, OR 97820; PHONE (541)575-1438 FAX (541)575-2165
Tammy Wheeler, Trial Court Administrator
Here is the ruling:

Based on this ruling, please know that ONAC DOES INTEND on filing an Immediate Appeal and is in FULL SUPPORT of ONAC KM doing so. Our Mother Church is handling ALL of the details and has established a "Legal Rights Fund" as a result of this ruling.
It is with great sadness that we must inform you that ONAC KM has fallen under attack yet Again from the Oregon legal system!
Church President and healer Timothy Paul 'Talq-Talq' Timm has been cited into the Douglas County Circuit Court to appear on and answer to the charges of "Theft 2 and Criminal Tresspass". According to law enforcement officials, it is alledged that Mr. Timm "stole approximately $25.00 worth of aluminum cans from the victim's garage." Apparently police concluded this because they claim to have found "a bag of the cans on the street in front of" our south valley sanctuary property..."hidden" but then "in plain site" for investigators to find.
One of ONAC KM's very first members falls under attack in Texas for his use and need of our Mother Medicine Sacrament... Cannabis, aka "Marihuana".
Jason Endicott of Oregon was traveling through the Star State of Texas on his way over to the east coast from the west with his wife and young severely disabled daughter when they were pulled over in Texas only because of their license plate reflecting they were from Oregon. "Oregon is one of them Medical Marijuana states, you have any marijuana in your vehicle?" - words from a cop that can make your heart sink deep into your stomach if in fact you Are a cannais user... patient or not.
Jason is in fact a sanctioned medicinal cannabis patient via the Oregon "Medical Marijuana Program" due to severe neurological issues, pain and life threatening diabetes... in Addition to being an honorable member of the ONAC KM tribe.
Approximately 4 pounds of freshly harvested cannabis was voluntarily surrendered to officers in effort of staving off a circus act of a vehicle search as was being threatened by police. Jason's daughter was sleeping in the vehicle at and during the time of the encounter and he was Hoping to spare her any unecessary upset. Of course ultimately, Jason was arrested and transported to the local jail house, but after aout an hour and a half, police decided to release Jason ashis medical needs far exceeded their capability of adaquate care for him and they knew it. Also too, Jason was in possession of a few ounces of hashish from that harvest, something many familiar with Texas know is likely why he wound up transported to the jail.
It remains unclear as to what if any punishment or consequences the state of Texas intends on taking against Jason Endicott, but one thing's for sure... only time will tell. Meanwhile Jason and his family have returned home to Oregon and are trying to get back on their feet and secure a place they can call "Home". We will keep you posted as to what if anything goes on next, in the meantime please send your prayers and blessings for he and his family during these troubling times... Thank you all

Mr. Timm, contrary to police alligations, was more than 100 miles away from the south valley sanctuary during the time period the crime is alledged to have occured. Fact is, he was with our tribes sachem Joy Graves and multiple of our tribal members during the time they state this "crime" happened. Sachem Graves along with Mr. Timm himself have both quickly offered what's called "an alibi defense" but thus far it has gone unaddressed, even by his court appointed counsel Ms. Emily Apel of the Unpqua public pretenders, uh, we mean Defenders office, lol.
Also it's been made known to Ms. Apel that WE Believe this to be a continuation of the Harassment Graves & Timm have been enduring from Oregon law enforcers due to the ignorance and fear of our Mother Medicine Sacrament Cannais, aka "Marihuana." Additionally, a Complete Motion of Discovery has been requested, once it is received, we will keep you updated including how this legally progresses. This "case" materializes against Mr. Timm within under One Month of ONAC KM being established and after TWO separate complaints were filed with the FI against Douglas Count Sheriff's department for violation of civil rights and for targeting our church with harassment.

ONAC KM tribal member under legal attack for healing sacrament
ONAC KM president charged with stealing tin cans
ONAC KM Veteran member's Service Dog Vanished!
ONAC KM is sad to announce that one of our tribal member's Service Dog has vanished and is presumed to have been Murdered just outside of Blue River, Oregon.
Crockett Anderson, an elder of ONAC KM tribe and former Naval Veteran has been going through some very rough emotional times over the last few years, which is ultimately how it is that he and his children found there way to Oregon from Kentucky.
All alone and with seriously life threatening health issues continuing to present themselves in his life, Hoardoar bbecame Andersons bestest of friend and #1 companion and side-kick within his life's journey. A small inheriance allowed Anderson to purchase an older doule wide mobilehome out on the McKenzie River of Oregon in a small little park known as "The Lazy Days", a place we All believed to be a decent little community claiming "420" but Apparently NOT "Pet Friendly" nor Veteran Compassionate Or Humanitarian.
Despite the mobilehome park claiming "No Pets", when it came time to give them almost ALL of his inheritance to move in, the manager of "The Lazy Days" park eagerly agreed to "Make an exception" for Anderson's Service companion Hoardoar. The contracts were signed and the money given, and come to find out Hoardoar wasn't the Only dog living in the Lazy Days.
A neighbors dog was allowed to run the park until hit one day by a car rushing down the McKenzie highway which runs through the center of the Lazy Days park. Nothing was said other than snide comments of how the womans dog "Disrupted the flow of traffic" as it was struck and killed.Hoardoar already had been also hit by a car but it was a few months before moving to lue River while staying with Anderson's eldest son in Springfield, so it had already been long decided he would be an indoor dog, which is where a service companion should be anyway... of course "Dogs", and especially males have a mind of there own.
Hoardoar's first "outside" experience in The Lazy Days of Blue River came upon the departure of some company late one dark and stormy evening. He wisked past the departing company saying goodbye to Anderson and played "You can't catch me" for aout 2 hours before he decided to willingly go back in... there was asolutely No Issue other than his stubborn playfulness, typical of a young pup.
A week or so passed, and Anderson was unexpectedly ambulanced and admitted to the hospital some 30 miles away due to chest pains. Anderson's daughter followed behind in Anderson's suv to the hospital with her disabled husband and still pretty young son Andrew. What wasn't thought nor factored, was that this left Hoardoar for the first time EVER completely all alone, and apparently that Terrofied him to the point that the little freaked out pup literally created himself an exit Through the Door of the mobilehome.
Though out and frantically looking for his dad, luckily Hoardoar didn't stray from around his moilehome, though as people would walk near enough,he'd pace an invisible border around his trailer and was noted to be scaredly barking at a few people walking around in the dark rainy fog near to His mobilehome. He never growled or got in any way physically aggressive toward anyone, just doing what any young pooch in his situation would do, not understanding what's going on or where his family suddenly disappeared to.
One young teenage kid decided to try and approach Hoardoars home, but seeing it upset him, he decided to forget it... Hoardoar didn't forget and seemed to want to try and follow the boy. When the boy would acknowledge him, Hoardoar would shake in fear and bark, jumping AWAY from him. Crockett would Later learn that the boy was the "Owner's son" of The Lazy Days Mobilehome park... uh-oh.
For Hoardoar, as far as the manager was concerned, it was a "One strike you're out" grounds for hate and threats of again homelessness for he and his pa Period, and an Eviction notice threat was served. Hoardoar spent some time at the tribal sanctuary and enjoyed some time on the road with Anderson's sachem healer, giving things a few days to calm down, which they seemed to do. Hoardoar returned home and all seemed well for a few weeks, until Anderson would be rushed to the hospital and kept, this time a few Days for care and observation.
If you or anyone you know have ANY Information, please contact Mr. Anderson at: crocson@gmail.com or contact ONAC KM direct at: (541) 321-3436

While out here in the wild wild west, Anderson and his family struggled through some pretty hard times, but overall they survived and endured with stride. His children grew up, and out, and soon Anderson found himself on his own. This is when "age" would begin to twist it's wicked head, and lead Anderson to hospital bed after hospital bed, as well as into dangerous surgical proceedures.
Being the warrior within, Anderson picked himself up from his boot straps and with a smile and a "No Worries", he journied onward down the bumpy road known as life, and as slow but sure things slowly began falling into a somewhat stable fate, death would visit his heart again, as Great Creator took his closest relative... his Aunt, to the Happy Hunting Grounds.
Devistated beyond measure, Anderson headed to Atlanta, Georgia to help handle his aunt's estate. While there, Anderson would again find himself admitted to the hispital... lood clots threatening to take his life. He was alone... something in times like this No Veteran should be. It was then that he was encouraged to seek out an emotional companion which he reluctantly found in his Service pup "Hoardoar", an energetic and always excitable little bloodhound mix found unwanted on Craigslist.
Anderson's Mother was the one to ultimately convince him to seek the pooch, one of the last advice wishes he would get from her, she too would sooner than expected pass on to the Happy Hunting Grounds as well, as had his father and about every living elder of his family to him.
Anderson became a widow and single father of three, two boys and a daughter whom quickly became the world to him after losing his wife to cancer a few years ago. He never was an animal lover per say, but his children were cat lovers, so for the most part, it were kitties that filled the furry four legged position within his life, pet wise anyway. Anderson moved his family to the Pacific Northwest in the hopes of finding and providing a better and safer enviornment for his children, including his daughter's husband and young son.

Crockett Anderson & Sons
Crockett, Mother & Daughter
Crockett Anderson "The Lazy Days" Blue River, Oregon
The Grant County Oregon case against ONAC KM because of their sacrament garden cannabis indica last spring out in Seneca, Oregon seems to be taking an unfortunate twist for tribal member Raymond Scott Martin in this case, which may just Prove to have an ill affect on tribal sachem Joy Graves defense team as well.
Raymond Scott Martin requested that his tribal leader/ co-defendant Joy Graves file a formal complaint with the Oregon State Bar on his behalf as his clergy stating that Martin's court appointed counsel Rob Raschio is intentionally neglecting his client and derelecting in his duties. Martin has been making multiple attempts to reach his attorney by phone but to no avail, even when the attorney is by the phone "parroting" conversation thru his assistant, Mr. Raschio "Is here but doesn't want to talk to you" is what is told.
Graves as Martin's clergy understood and was well apprised to Martin's multiple attempts to communicate with his attorney, and thus concurred that it was the approperiate thing to be considered. Graves resports to having attempted consultation with her court appointed attorney Tim Gassner prior to making the initial move, but that he was unavalable within a reasonable time-period of what Martin was wanting and expecting action and assistance done. "I talked with Mr. Gassners assistant, the main one I usually converse with anyway, and I told her what was going on and what Mr. Martin was asking me to do as his clergy. She concluded too that it was approperiate and did seem to have enough merit to try, and was in agreement that i was the approperiate thing for me to do on Mr. Martin's behalfl Despite the case and my personal position encompassing this bogus case."
'When I caught up with him at the gas station one day, he acted as if he didn't know who I was... when I told him I was his client in this case, he said he hadn't heard anything yet, which he thought was a good thing because he said it meant the judge was reading, but then he took off so fast, it was like he couldn't get away fast enough" Martin reflected. Both Martin and Graves concur that Mr. Raschio has shown them little if any respect at all throughout the duration of this case thus far, and report that Raschio has not only failed to keep Mr. Martin apprised but that he has also filed documents with the court with both defendants names with oth defendents insisting they have yet to be provided a hard copy for their personal review though they were entered into evidence months ago and requested for review upon them having become aware of it.
It is with great pride that we announce that success was had in the Clackamas County Courthouse for ONAC KM member Jason Endicott. We were extremely pleased to see so many turn out in suppoty of he and his case, and his family.
Every single seat in the Oregon City courtroom was filled with tribal and cannabis community supporters which seemed to rather surprise the judge, especially as we all filed out at the conclusion of Jason's hearing. The judge commente to her clerk "I didn't know all these people were here for Mr. Endicott's case", at which point defense attorney Leland Berger replied "Yes your honor, Mr. Endicott is a well respected within the community" at which point the judge nodded in agreement.
But the twists and turns don't end there, sachem Graves reports that after consulting and getting "the green light" from her representation, she actually spoke with a state bar attorney and that he too concurred a complaint was in order of being filed. As the attorney remained on the line with Graves as she electronically completed there form, the bar attorney suggested she note and include a copy of the complaint to the Oregon Office of Public Defense Services apprising them of the situation as well. At that point and upon that communication, Graves included both Gassner & Michaels to that correspondence, and to her surprise Brian Michaels was the one to fly through the roof with upset.
Michaels immediately protested the complaint filing and demanded Graves immediately withdraw it from the record. Graves explained it was her duty and in accordinance with her conscious to stand behind her tribal members decision and not remove the complaint from record. Michaels responded stating "I simply cannot and will not wor under these conditions" and later added "ecaue you have filed a complaint against my co-counsel legally I cannot proceed"
Graves contends that though she and Martin's case are consolidated into one for simplicity for the court, that Raschio and Michaels are in fact Not co-counsel and that the BAR and OPDS have oth confirmed it and that it's not valid grounds for Michaels to leave nor neglect the case. Graves attempted to explain this to Michaels via email but feels the ground is still rocky between them. "Now he (Michaels) says the Interluctory appeal we need filed isn't an option to defendants in Oregon but state statute says it is, and he goes back to saying he wants me to withdrawl the complaint." Graves says she has instructed both Michaels and Gassner to file this complaint but oth have yet to acknowledge nor file it on the defenses behalf. Graves has also instructed Michaels to file a few other motions as well but to date none have been nor has anything else been done or filed that she nor Martin are aware of. "Who knows, his attorney ignores him and mine choose to selectively hear, none seem motivated to DO anything" Graves said, "and we're scheduled back into court on March 5th" she exclaimed with great unsettlement.
Only time will tell what will happen as far as the defense "team" as this history making case continues. For those interested in attending, the case is scheduled to resume in Grant County Circuit Court at 301 S. Humboldt Street in Canyon City, Oregon on March 5th at 3:30Pm before judge Wiliam Cramer.
The case at hand was to determine whether or not the state of Oregon would agree to an ectradition of Endicott to the state of Texas where he faces up to 20 years for having traveled through their star state with his Oregon licensed medication "marijuana." Despite more than 65% of Texans wantin medicinal access of marijuana, Texas has no laws allowing nor honoring sanctions allowing individuals to medicinally use the all-heal herb.
Endicott was picked up by Clackamas police 2 days before Christmas on a warrant out of Texas for the over two year ago encounter. Because Endicott refused to waive extradition the state of Oregon slapped him with a "Felony Fugitive" hold which keeps him subjected to the Oregon court until the situation with Texas is resolved.
Endicott has retained private counsel to represent him in the Texas issue and Leland Berger has agreed to represent his position with Oregon's position. Together the attorney's are in the process of working a bond option for Endicott for the time being opposed to tansporting Endicott all the way down to Texas, leaving his family in a hardship, and especially so being separated from his severely disabled daughter which would just be devistating, not to mention a probable death sentence for Endicott himself medically speaking. The judge agreed to set the case out for 30 days in the hopes Endicott and the state of Texas can reach a feesable solution.

Small Victory but Great Pride blooms from Endicott case

Rob Raschio
Defense Co-Counsel
Canyon City, Oregon

Raymond S. Martin
ONAC KM Member
Trouble among the Defense
A last minute surprise, ONAC KM Sachem Joy Maxine 'Hawkeye'' Graves was invited and appeared on the Portland based television show "Cannabis Common Sence" show on Friday, February 20th 2015 to briefly spea about our peending case in the Grant County Circuit Court.
The show is hosted by D. Paul Stanford, founder of the "Hemp and Cannabis Foundation" (THCF) and long time activist and figurehead of the "Hempstalk" event held in Portland, Oregon for many years, along with co-host Casper Leitch a long time activist and cannabis talkshow host of "Time for Hemp".
Please keep in mind that this was Graves first television interview appearance, but overall proved to be a wonderful opportunity bringing the situation of her pending case to viewers across our nation, and we thank Paul, Casper and All of their crew at CRRH & Cannabis Common Sence and we look forward to continued coverage on this as well as cannabis related issues and news an working with you as a whole in the future as we all fight for cannabis liberation.

Sachem Graves & Michelle Cowell
ONAC KM of Oregon
Sachem Graves of ONAC KM on
Cannabis Common Sence Television Show!
Mindi Griffiths & Joy Graves
State THSI Meet February 2015
"The Other Spot" Portland, Ore.
The Human Solution International of Oregon would like to proudly announce the re-vamping of our "Springfield/Eugene" chapter! First, we begin with the first introduction to society and our community... our "Name". Chapter leaders have met and spoke on this issue for a few months, and a conclusion has been reached that we believe will suit all just fine. Instead of announcing ourselves as "The Springfield/Eugene Chapter of The Human Solution International" we shall now present ourselves as "The Human Solutions International of South Valley Oregon."
We believe this sounds much more professional and too, clarifies that our boundary exceeds just the Springfield/Eugene area alone. This will give us room to expand our membership and their participation, and too broaden our scenery scape as we begin to conduct our monthly meetings and other "soon to come" exciting events.
Now, as many of you already know, THSI came to know of Joy Graves through her own personal court battle with the state of Oregon's Circuit Court defending cannabis and religious freedom. Several THSI chapter heads came together to provide court support for Graves and her co-defendant Raymond Martin as they stand their ground at their only authority being Oklevueha Native American church and elder medicine healer and co-founder James Warren 'Flaming Eagle' Mooney.
In fact it was immediately proceeding their October 30 2015 hearing that THSI leaders requested that Graves not only join THSI, but asked if she would consider becoming leader of the THSI's springfield/Eugene Oregon chapter. Graves corgilly agreed to be a member, and after powwowing with James Mooney and obtaining his blessing and instruction, Graves accepted the position of chapter leader and too proudly offered a union between THSI and ONAC KM of Oregon.
"I am eager to reaquaint with our south valley community and cannabis family and look forward to uniting THSI with Oklevueha Native American Church as we fight the same fight together" Graves said, "ONAC as well as THSI are geared toward the preservation of Justice and all of our individual rights, freedoms and civil liberties as well as specifically focused on the liberation of our mother medicine sacrament Cannabis and her users, so I feel it is a perfect union and am honored to be in the position to help build that bridge so that we may travel successfully down Rainbow Bridge Road!"
Although Graves has been so distracted what with church business and affairs as well as her frustrating case still pending and threatening to imprison her for 20 years - that she has yet to formally meet and network with the chapter, Graves wishes to let all members know that they're not forgotten and in fact remain deeply on her mind. She and Mindi Griffiths, THSI State leader and Portland chapter leader have been in constant communications to do with THSI business as well as the South Valley chapter specifically and we are assured good things are on the horizon for the chapter and members as well as THSI and ONAC KM as a whole.

In addition to schedule coordination for monthly meetings, Griffiths & Graves say they are focusing primarily on coordination within, and say that they are about to set the platform for self expansion through active participation. "Coordination is key for anything wanted to be proven successful" Graves said, and stated that by summer they hope to have a full schedule packed wiith plenty of laughs and cherished memories in addition to "constructive fun activities" and successful victories abound.
"THSI is not Just a cannabis based organization, we are a civil rights organization which does focus much of our concern, interest and attention toward cannabis victims and their families, but too, THSI offers support outreach for any person entangled in a civil rights issue, cannabis encompassed or not" explained Mindi Griffiths, and stressed that it's something she and Graves hopes to have made clear as the South Valley chapter expands and rolls along. Currently the South Valley chapter has more than 1,000 claimed members but Griffith's and Graves goal is to have that number doubled if not tripled by the end of the year and say once people become familiar with the organization it should prove to be not an unreasonable goal.
THSI offers court support for people who are currently entangled in the criminal justice system within the United States attempting to defend their civil rights. Court support includes official press release publications as well as all appearances to be added to our "Calendar" so that people know and are aware and encouraged to attend. THSI believes and has proven that physical presence in masses makes a world of difference when it comes to court appearances, and firmly believe that no one should stand before a judge or court alone.
Also THSI coordinates carpooling as a part of court support as well as letter writing and protest campaigns for what we call the "MILA" meaning the "Missing in Legal Action, and establishes gatherings for meeting and discussion with our MILA victims as well as puts together other support related activities such as sign making, t-shirt decorating, and have planned even more hopeful things to raise awarness and participation needed for these victims of "wrong law" and their families and loved ones.
THSI also strives to go the extra mile in community awareness and education, especially focused on topics such as Jury Nullification. THSI members will publically meet and discuss such important issues in areas where requested as well as court cases warrent in the hopes of raching and teaching potential jurors in the areas of our MILA about their rights and obligations as "American Jurors".
Additionally, THSI focuses much needed attention to the POW's of civil right unjust rulings by establishing and maintaining a POW mailing list with the encouragement of letter writing and even prison visitation, a pen-pal support program, and too reminds prisoners that despite conviction and being locked behind bars, they nor there fight is unforgotten.
Any interested in becoming part of "The Solution" or would like to learn more about what we do, what we aim to do, and what YOU can do to help do your part in this noble endeavor, please visit our website at: www.thsintl.org
and you are Also welcome to join with us on Faceook as a whole as well as any of our local chapters... and don't forget ourr motto:
"No One should go to Jail for a Plant!"

Newness for THSI Oregon Chapter!
In a very strange and upsetting turn of events. ONAC KM has just learned a possile reason as to why our defense attorney's are seemingly frightened when prompted to file an Interloctory Appeal against the judges ruling that, though we're a church... we're apparently forbidden from speaking of church in front of a jury of our peers should we end up in a full-blown trial... which is Obviously unacceptable eings it's the churches authority and jurisdiction that IS the defense alone when it comes to the reason behind our sacrament garden.
Word from our mother church is that Michael Rex 'Raging Bear' Mooney, in yet another feeble attempt to completely destroy the integrity as well as the reputation of both Oklevueha Native American Church and his own father, has gone behind the backs of James Mooney, Joy Graves and Raymoond Martin, and has alledged to prosecutors hell-bent on challenging the authority of ONAC, that our mother church and his father are a sham. He also alledged that the proof behind ONAC being a sham is due to a document James & Linda Mooney signed for their own prosecutors back in the year 2006.
The smoking gun document in which Michael Mooney refers to can be viewed by clicking the link here:
This news came as a complete shock to ONAC KM sachem Joy Maxine 'Hawkeye' Graves who had recently spent much time with Michael despite his fathers warning of trechory alligations already pending on him from other independant branches of ONAC. It was claimed that Michael Mooney was believed to be connected to these individual police raids over the course of the last few years.
"It's hard for me even now to believe that Michael would have even thought to consider doing something like this, especially already having been formally charged and discliplined for haing the same thing already... especially all the while he is insisting that he wishes to preserve Oklevueha out of honor To his father - WOW." said sachem Graves... "and after all that time he and I spent together, I never saw it coming."
"Multiple churches were raided immediately after the departure of Michael from their sanctuaries" said James Mooney when discussing the situation with leaders of his descending branches of ONAC. According to James, when the law came in to these sanctuary raids, they proved well informed to things and details only known to the people caught up in the raid, and Michael Mooney.
It's also reported that Michael is believed to also have possibly played part in an additional ONAC raids as well, including Roger Christie of The Hawai'i Cannabis Ministry & head of the ONAC church of Hilo. Christie's bust left Michael Rex Mooney as the only remaining ONAC church within the islands of Hawai'i and from his travel and spending habits, it's fairly safe to say first in line at a very comfortable road.
As Michael's meddling into ONAC KM's Grant County case came to light and the attention of the mother church, James was left with no choice but to take swift action in protecting the church, and excalated church discliplinary action against his son by formally putting him on Probation status with the mother church, meaning that Michael was immediately stripped of all authority and recognition as a representation of Oklevueha Native American Church well beyond mere removal from Good Standing.
ONAC KM was notified that, because of the scales leaning toward the merit to the alliogations against Michael Mooney, James and the mother church were forced to take formal discliplinary action, which was to remove Michael Mooney from "Good Standing" as far as the mother church was concerned. What this meant, was that all ONAC individual branches were to no longer blindly trust nor assist Michael Mooney until he made ammends to all he had wronged per the instruction of the Mother church. Instead, Michael chose to ignore the official ruling position of the mother church and continue to proceed with his church and it's endeavors in spite of it.

Michael Rex 'Raging Bear' Mooney
Joy Maxine 'Hawkeye' Graves
As complaints continue to be filed because of the illegal victimization of our church against counsel and the judge, the case moves forward.
Raymond Martin and Joy Graves are ordered to appear in front of Judge William Cramer on March 12th at 3:30Pm to addres the ineffective counsel. Graves and Martin expect the court to replace the ineffective counsel at that time, despite the judge insisting they hurdle the highest bar possible to get the attorneys removed. Judge Cramer has insisted they prove "Constitutional Grounds" for the attorney's removal and replacement.
The defendants insist that the entire case is Violating federal as well as state constitutional law, but are scrambling for resources to prove the lack of effort and zealousness on the attorney's part.
Meanwhile, this picture was found of the prosecutor trying to imprison Graves and Martin for 20 years in prison for cultivating the sacramental cannabis garden... what an insult to the church!

Case continues on against ONAC for sacrament garden raid in 2014
Plea for continuance refused by judge!
Despite notice to the court that defendant Joy Graves is extremely ill and under mind altering medications, Judge william Cramer has Refused a motion for continuance and insists Graves must prove to the court "constitutional ineffectiveness" of she and co-defendant Raymond Martins court appointed counsel.
Graves was placed on multiple mind-altering medications from her physician due to a bronchitis she contracted while last appearing in court March 6th, on top of her COPD and her BPD diagnosis. This led to a prescription of prednisone, codeine and tylenol all to be taken together for 10 days in effort of fighting off the illness. "The pharmacist said right off the bat "Do not engage in anything that will require you to think for the next 10 days." If anything, forcing her to address the seriousness of her case and to prove the inadaquate counsel will go against physician orders and likely detriment the defenses position all together.
"This is completely inconsiderate and inapproperiate for the judge to do" Graves told reporters when asked if she was up for this challenge from the court. "The whole case is constitutionally illegal, federally as well as according to the state of Oregon's constitution".
Graves and co-defendant Martin have each filed complaints against their attorneys for inadaquate representation. they claim the attorney's are not keeping them aprised to the dispsition, are failing to counsel them, and have refused to file several motions applicable that they wish filed on there behalf.
Formal complaints have een filed with the state Bar Association as well as the Defense Counsel department, the Oregon Health Authority and the governor's office as well as with the judicial oversight committee of Oregon.
In addition to the issues with counsel, complaints on the judge include racial and religious discrimination and violations against they and the churches rights freedoms and civil liberties.
Multiple volunteers from the Oregon ACLU state that they would help but unfortunately do not have the finding nor even a director of the Oregon organization. "We don't know what else to do or where to turn, we're stuck being this state and courts victims" Graves said very concerned about the upcoming hearing which she will be required to participate in via telephone March 12th 2015 hoping to get adaquate counsel from the court. Graves calls for a Constitutional court to handle this case but fears the state's conspiracy to victimie will only continue as well as worsen.
"The court was given copy of the complaints including those against the judge March 6th during court, but the judge sealed them and didn't even look at them he said, he said he was continuing anyway."
Graves also reports that despite the hearing for motion to supress pending March 26th that the judge has made it clear "Make no mistake this case is moving forward and is going to trial." Obviously his mind is already made up and we are guilty as far as he is concerned - how can he say we're going to trial when he doesn't even know if there will be anything left to proceed to trial with after the supression hearings?"
Graves, Martin, and the Native American Church all feel and concur that the judge is using his court and authority to further abuse the members in effort of challenging church authority and jurisdiction and that by doing so they are continuing to violate federal state and UN laws. They seek any assistance they can get.

Grant County Oregon Circuit Court Judge William Cramer is accused of racial and religious discrimination and for intentionally violating state and federal constitutional laws by Graves, Martin and the Native American Church
Court appointed Counsel to Defendant/ Client "You have not proven to me you are a member of a tribe"
Despite the fact that the threat of removing the religious defense assertion from Raymond Martin's case triggering the complete breakdown of defense attorney team, robert Raschio, while begging to be kept on as counsel stated this morning "I am removing religious defense from the case as you have not proven to ME that you are a tribal member."
This comes as shocking news since the court and judge all have honored and respected the fact that the Native American Church is in fact equal to a tribe as far as the federal government and the US Attorney General's office has long been concerned, meaning they are exactly the same as a tried as far as law and legal rights and protections are concerned.
The entire defense of this case is based on the fact that the NAC has the ultimate legal authority and jurisdiction to plant the plants we were planting" said Martin, "To take that away would mean that we were actually doing wrong planting our sacrament garden, and we wern't, we were authorized and protected by the church and the federal law."
A second complaint was lodged with the state Bar this morning, against Mr. Raschio by the church for this racial prejudice given Martin as an excuse for not filing for an emergency chane of jurisdictional venue and also a motion to dismiss even if with prejudice, and a complaint was also filed with the Bar on the judge for the same reason.
Court is today at 3:30 Pm and these issues will hopefully be addressed as well as resolved and corrected by the appointment of new counsel and hopefully too, a change of venue and judge. We will keep you posted

Rob Raschio, court apponted counsel for the defense of Raymond Martin accused of failing to do his job and of racial and religious prejudice against his client and his church
Grant County Sheriff Glen Palmer reluctantly admits he did NOT have any legal right on ONAC KM Sanctuary grounds!
After being repeatedly asked while on the witness stand in Circuit Court as to whether or not Grant County Sheirff Glen Palmer had legal authority or permission onto the ONAC KM sanctuary grounds raided last spring, and reviewing the actual video footage from his own uniform camera, Palmer finally admitted that he had NOT any legal right to enter onto the property.
Defense attorney's pointed out that Palmer had ample time to seek and obtain a search warrant had he felt it justified to attack the church sacrament garden in Seneca between his visits to the property inquiring as to the garden, but chose Not to attempt to obtain one before deciding to move in and raid the property.
But the icing on the court cake seemed to be seen on Judge William Cramer Jr's face when Palmer had no choice but to admit that he had failed to attempt to gain Permission to enter onto the property as well, which means the court now knows that they are dealing with "Fruit of the Poisonous Tree" when it comes to the case against ONAC KM Sachem Joy Maxine 'Hawkeye' Graves and co-defendant/ tribal church member Raymond Scott Martin.
Now, we all await the judges "Opinion" as to the direction of the disposition of the case.

"Defense attorneys contended the marijuana was a religious sacrament, and Graves testified early on that she is the leader of a branch of a Native American church that uses cannabis in healing rites." - Blue Mountain Eagle
In an interesting turn of events, it appears that the state of Oregon has now decided to Dismiss the charges against ONAC KM Sachem & church members for cultivating their Mother Medicine sacrament at their Central Eastern Oregon sanctuary grounds!
Following the testimony of Grant County Sheriff Glen Palmer during the Motion to Suppress Evidence hearing, Judge William Cramer Jr. noted that the raid on the church sanctuary was illegal as no warrant nor permission was obtained justifying police onto the property legally and promptly encouraged the defense attorney's to file a motion to dismiss based on his determination, but before they could, Deputy District attorney Matt Ipson filed a motion to dismiss the charges first.
But... will this legally lye here is the question yet to be seen! Graves and ONAC KM members fear not, and that more victimization will befall them before the law recognizes and honors the rights entitled to Native born Americans in which Oklevueha Native American Church is designed and at the front lines attempting to protect.
Though the above quote points out the position of Graves and the church, because of the handling of the case in Circuit Court Officially, ONAC KM members feel unsettled as to having obtained the honor and respect of their sanctuary and right to utilize what they refer to as "Mother Medicine Sacrament" within the boundaries of Oregon and anticipate retaliation from the Oregon Sheriff's Association members come next planting season as they attempt to re-establish the churches garden in the state.
"If you look at the history of publications from the editor of the Blue Mountain Eagle newspaper - the ONLY in-print news source out there, you can clearly see the prejudice and attitude toward we the defendants, or more accurately speaking - the VICTIMS in this case, you can See who there trusted and favored source is and how there stories all seem to favor law enforcers out there even when like in situations like this when it was They who were legally in the wrong... just look at the last statement made in that article and then you tell me there isn't any reason to think retaliation attack is coming as soon as we attempt to re-establish our church garden out there, and she Knows it - why else would she encourage you the readers to "Stay tuned for future updates" when the case was Dismissed!" - Joy Maxine 'Hawkeye' Graves - Sachem of ONAC KM of Oregon
When asked if ONAC KM will re-plant the Central eastern Oregon garden, Graves quickly stated that it "Isn't a choice" and went on to tearfully explain how the illegal raid and destruction of the last garden out there had damaged the church and even about killed some seriously ill members relying upon the garden to heal them of otherwise deadly ailments and disease.
First off, this is our Mother Medicine sacrament period, she is among the safest and most effective medicines upon the face of mother earth that Great Creator put here for us to utilize with Explicit instructions that we utilize her, and anyone professing to be religious and especially who pick up and read from the "Holy Bible" should quickly admit to that whatever there faith or denomination because it's just that plain of a fact and so poven in too many places to be disputed.
Cannabis has and continues to prove herself not only HARMLESS to all living creatures, but HEALING for all lifes creatures of ailments and diseases otherwise unsuccessfully treatable - there is No foundation to target this plant or any who use it and the only victims are the ones pevented and punished for turning to this plant seeking Quality or Quantity of life only she can offer them - human and animals included!
Second, NO ONE has any right legal or otherwise to question, interfear nor try to dictate or regulate any organized Religion, what or how we conduct our business, state and federal as well as UN Laws all dictate and confirm that, especially in the documents they call Constitutions!
Third, this is an issue of personal choice and freedom issue and stand more than it is even a religious stand if one truly thinks about it - it is about your choice to choose and your birth rite inheritances to the earth and all that comes from her direct... this land is made up of the blood and bones of our ancestors, including the many whom fought and died attempting to protect our rights as individuals to life liberty and the persuit of happiness. Oklevueha and ONAC KM specifically stand firm in the defense of our civil rights as sure as we stand proud and firm in the rights of the Native American Church and all that it as a whole stands for. - Sachem Joy Graves

Deputy DA Matt Ipson files motion to dismiss cannabis cultivation charges on Graves & Church member in Grant County Oregon!
Douglas County Oregon resumes attack on ONAC KM members despite multiple complaints of harrassment
For those of you paying close attnetion, it's really no surprise to hear that Douglas County Oregon has now elected to resume their attacks upon ONAC KM members now that the Grant County Oregon litigations have been dismissed - afterall, Grant County law enforcers only jumped into the mix after multiple formal complaints were filed against Douglas County law enforcers within 30 days of establishing ONAC KM in Oregon!
Proving that they're picking up where they left off after the second FBI complaint was filed against them, Douglas County juducual system, despite the law and legal rights of individual people, have "Yarded" ONAC KM president Timothy Paul 'Talq-Talq' Timm into entering in a "No Contest" plea to a charge of Theft in the 2nd degree alledging that he had stolen some tin cans back in 2013 just after becoming president of ONAC KM church in their jurisdiction.
Despite the more than Dozen eye-witnesses placing Timm more than 100 miles from the supposed scene of the crime and for days encompassing when it's claimed the crime occured, on top of the fact that the state had no witnesses nor evidence linking Timm to the can crime once-so-ever, prosecutors stayed intent on taking Timm to trial in June of 2015 - more than 2 Years after there claim - until Tim appeared for a pre-trial status check on the churches sacred holiday, 4/20.
It was then that Timm announced to the court that thought he was "Being yarded" and "Didn't do it", he chose to at that time take a plea offer of 7 days in jail and to pay the $40.00 worth of cans they alledge he'd taken (Though deputies state they had already recovered from the public street and returned) and the states $100.00 "Conviction fee" now charged to all convicted criminals within the state - "Just to get it overwith and out of the way" Timm explained to the court.
When asked after-the-fact Why he would have pled to something he didn't do, Timm explained how he'd hoped it would stop the targeting and harassment of he and ONAC KM's sanctuary grounds within their county.
Everywhere I go, whether it's a gas station or a store in their county they go out of there way to encounter me and remind me that this case is still hanging over my head, and that it's because they do not like our church or right and choice of cannabis as our sacrament, and too, where they aren't, someone local is letting me know that the cops told them I was a thief and a pot grower for the indian church - I am constantly threatened by people I don't know on top of being harassed by cops everywhere we cross paths, I just wanted it done and over with." - Timothy 'Talq-Talq' Timm
Though for the moment it appears to have calmed the desire to bother Timm or the ONAC KM sanctuary, Sachem Joy Graves remains in disagreement with Timm's decision and feels that the conviction should legally be over-turned at minimal because of the lack of due process and speedy trial Timm's case was given, if not on the grounds that there was no foundation for a case pointing at Timm as the culprit, and too Graves is highly condifent that if push came to shove the church could prove by simple timeline and specific complaints on file with the FBI would prove it nothing more than a retaliatory act on the sheriff's departments part against ONAC KM as well as personal hatred toward Timm personally because of his indirect activism in support of cannabis, especially when combined with religion.
As soon as they found out we established as a Cannabis church Douglas County police immediately began targeting and harrassing us and our sanctuary, before even Oklevueha became an official part of our equasion, Tim was beaten by neighboring Lane county sheriff's deputies out in the middle of nowhere during the night to the point he lost consciousness while still being beaten - when he came to, they said to him that Douglas County were looking for him and called him boy - Douglas County had no Reason to be looking for him and wern't looking for him - they were just letting him know in there own subtle way Why it was he had gotten beat - he had no problems or history with Lane county otherwise until that time." - Joy 'Hawkeye' Graves, ONAC KM Sachem
Subsequentially, Graves also feels that beings the state of Oregon has prevented Timm the follow up care and specialty testing requested by treating physicians to determine the severity of the Traumatic Brain Injury he suffered from that beating, that it only makes it that much more inapproperiate that the court accepted a No Contest plea and insists that the case against Timm should have been dismissed and that this injustice will likely be used to further harass both Timm and ONAC KM in future dealings as time progresses forward.
The deputies who took me from the court room kept asking me what day it was with big smiles. I knew whatthey meant but wouldn't say the date only the day. Finally they kept saying "Today's 4/20 isn't it Mr. Timm, smiling because they knew it was a sacred day to our church, it was there way of rubbing it in that they were taking me to jail on 4/20, yeah, they sure got a kick out of that!" -Timothy 'Talq-Talq' Timm

No news seems to prove Good news for ONAC KM member facing prison in Texas over mother medicine possession
As ONAC KM member Jason Endicott awaits word from Texas as to whether or not they are going to pursue him on charges of possessing his medication while traveling through their state, silence is all that echoes in return which so far seems to be a good sign in favor of Jason maintaining his freedom.
Jason Endicott was in fact a legal Oregon medicinal cannabis patient who was traveling with his wife and daughter through the star state of Texas in route to Florida to stay with family members. Police targeted the Endicott's family vehicle because of the Oregon plates, stating "Ain't that one of them there legal marijuana states son, do You got any marijuana with you son."
Subsequentially Jason was arrested on site and charged with felony possession which holds the threat of a 20 year prison sentence over his head. Due to his own as well as his daughters health issues, the incident had completely slipped his mind until he was encountered in Protland Oregon a few years after the fact and arrested for being a felony fugitive of Texas in the state of Oregon, apprently another felony charge Endicott was completely caught off guard but now formally charged with.
The Oregon court held Endicott in jail until Texas agreed he could be released on bond while they decided whether or not they intended on extradition. The Oregon court made Endicott appear monthly awaiting Texas's decision, but upon the last appearance, when supporters of Endicott filled the courtroom, the Oregon judge decided that Jason need not reappar in her courtroom and that the attorney's representing Endicott in both Oregon and Texas should be able to keep Endicott apprised to any decision of action on the state of Texas's part without her court remaining involved.
So far there has been not a sound from Texas about wanting Endicott on the charge, though in regards to cannabis in Texas state officials seem to be moving toward liberation in the star state especially regarding people suffering medical issues such as Endicott who are proven to medically benefit from our mother medicine sacrament.
ONAC KM encourages our supporters and tribal members to keep a watchful eye on Jason and his family until a formal decision to dismiss is handed him - you just never know nor can be too sure proper justice will be done, and too, we encourage the continuation of letters of support to Texas Dismissing the charges against Jason until his freedom is assured.

Honored ONAC KM elder member passed on at age 92
It is with great sadness and heavy heart that we must inform you all that Doctor Phillip 'Dogface' Leveque has passed onto the next realm as of the afternoon of May 2nd, 2015.
"Doc" as he was most commonly called, was truly a man beyond measure. His wisdom and intelligence were far ahead of his time, especially when it came to our Mother Medicine sacrament and it's medicinal benefits, and it was thanks to his brave stand in defense of cannabis that gained the medical standing within Oregon law regarding it above the masses of front line freedom fighters.
But Doc was more than a mere cannabis liberator and front line freedom fighter, he also too was first and foremost a defender of freedom, and for the preservation of our individual rights and liberties, and in that stand Doc was a heroic treasure to be had by the US government during World War 2.

Doc's medical credentials and skills were also beyond measure. In addition to being an Osteropath, Doc was one of the damned few Successful Brain Surgeons in the world! He also was a forensic toxicologist and a pharmacist, though ultimately his passions were geared toward Veterans care, especially PTSD, and cannabis liberation and respect as effective medication. For this, he was declared "Oregon's most dangerous doctor" by the Oregonian newspaper and ultimately it cost him his professional career, but if you knew Doc at all then you knew that it wouldn't stop him, the pain of betrayl only slowed and stung him a little bit - he fought on and will continue to be proven right and ahead of his time for decades to come!

Phillip was a dear friend to our Sachem for a great many years, and will remain a personal inspiration to she and ONAC KM so long as they exist as well to a great many others he personally inspired and built confidence within. We are proud to have had his wisdom, support and counsel in him as well as the ability to point to him as an example of what we warriors strive to be... HONORABLE & FEARLESS to the end!
Grant County Oregon sheriff... defender of the Constitution or Violator of the Constitution?

As ONAC KM elders and Sachem make smoke and prayers over the upcoming season for our Mother Medicine sacrament grow, worried about the answer to this question, finding this picture seems a bit concerning because the last time our sacrament garden was legally planted, it was sheriff Palmer himself personally that aided and abetted in the violating of our state and federal constitutional rights when he illegally attacked and victimized our land, members and garden!
Further internet digging also reveals that sheriff Palmer chooses to cling his beliefs to the long disproven propiganda encompassing our mother medicine sacrament opposed to truth and facts, which adds worry and concern to our churches future within his grasp.
Most people tend to know that there is to be a distinct separation between government and religious entities such as with Oklevueha Native American Church, but despite that clear fact constitutionally, many police agencies are choosing to overlook that and the fact that they have no legal right to interfear with churches and victimizing us anyway. Sheriff Palmer did so last June at our sanctuary in Seneca, Oregon.
Due to the technicality that it was an illegal search, the case was dismissed ultimately by Judge William Cramer Jr. - Circuit court judge over both Grant and Harney counties of Oregon. This side-step apparently spared them any legal accountability promised us as a church under the laws of the federal government and the US constitution. Also it excused them even a simple apology, not to mention victimizing our members and murdering our sacrament garden.
Though the words sound great in theory on this picture, it is our concern that another vendictive attack is coming upon our church as we begin to resume church business and function, including obviously the re-establishment of our sacrament garden. ONAC KM Sachem Joy Graves has visited and plead with Oregon Governor Kate Brown's office for help in preventing another attack, as well as to the state Department of Justice, while our mother church has been pleaing for helpand protection for us on the federal level as promised within the text of their laws.
ONAC KM is Proud to announce the establishment of our very first Lodge!
Is ONAC KM Member Jason Endicott out of the fire in Texas for having his medicinal cannabis with him while passing through their star state?
Grant County Oregon sheriff... "If there's one point you made in court, it's that your land in Seneca is a Native Church Reservation, we have no jurisdiction there."
Oklevueha Native American Church of Kautantowit's Mecautea (ONAC KM) of Oregon has officially announced that it has in fact established it's second official "Lodge", expanding ONAC KM into a total now of three states of it's own.
The first Lodge established under ONAC KM is known as Oklevueha Native American Church of Kautantowit's Mecautea Garden Path Lodge of Florida, which in addition to practitioning ceremony, are intensly invilved in the self sufficiency as well as global and economical sustainability to be had in organically cultivating food.
This, the second lodge of ONAC KM is known as Oklevueha Native American Church of Kautantowit's Mecautea Healing Acres Lodge of California, which unlike the Florida lodge, in addition to practicioning ceremony, have additionally been blessed specifically as a Mother Medicine Sacrament lodge, compplete with their own Mother Medicine Sacrament Garden.
What this means, is that ONAC KM Healing Acres Lodge has full right, authority and blessings of ONAC KM Sachem 'Hawkeye' Graves to produce and supply Mother Medicine sacrament to members in need as per the authority entrusted her via the blessings of ONAC & NAC elder healers.
When asked as to why the difference of blessing between the two lodges, Sachem Graves quantly answered "Because one Lodge was qualified for a blessing of and for Mother Medicine and the other was not... because one lodge sought such a blessing and the other did not, and because it was the Right decision to make for each lodge overall, at least for the time being, things could prove to change, one never knows because only Time will tell such things."
Below, you will find both official notices of blessings, which as you will note, took place simeotaniously during the roadtrip of Sachem Graves and ONAC KM Chief Medicine Man Bruce Sam July of 2015 and include specifically the officiation of the ONAC KM Healing Acres Lodge & blessing of Mother Medicine... color separated for your convenience:
Theft in the Central Eastern Oregon Sanctuary Garden
ONAC KM President attains Letter of Distrust from Board
ONAC KM Members save the day for Oregon Patient Members of Mother Medicine Gardens
ONAC KM Blesses second Lodge, this one includes Mother Medicine Sacrament Garden

It is with great honor that we proudly announce and present to you, the Oklevueha Native american Church of Kautantowit's Mecautea 'Garden Path' Lodge of Florida!
Below, you will find the official announcement from Sachem Joy Maxine 'Hawkeye' Graves herself on behalf of Oklevieha Native American Church of Kautantowit's Mecautea (ONAC KM) of Oregon:
I , Joy Maxine 'Hawkeye' Graves, Sachem of Oklevueha Native American Church Kautantowit's Mecautea (ONAC KM) of Oregon, do hereby officially recognize and bless, Garden Path Lodge as an official lodge of our Church.
I recognize Brendon Todd Blasz as Principle Stone Carrier of the Lodge Vanessa Kristine Blasz as Itsipi Leader, Michael Curtis Waite as Unipi leader. The Lodge address will be 26 North Court, Indialantic Florida. Offerings of Sacred-Give-Away will be sent on or near the four annual Solstices, or as otherwise instructed.
Adding to the long count of the Garden Path Lodge, are Shawn Anthony Blasz (15y/o), Jessica McDonald (27y/o) This will stand as long as the trees grow, the rivers flow, the wind blows, and the mountains touch the sky.
Dated this 15th Day of March 2015 Respectfully Signed,
Reverend Sachem Healer Joy Maxine 'Hawkeye' Graves
CEO & Sachem of Oklevueha Native American Church of Kautantowit's Mecautea of Oregon
Reverend Sachem Healer Joy Maxine 'Hawkeye' Graves
Oklevueha Native American Church of Kautantowit's Mecautea (ONAC KM) of Oregon
Word being uttered out of the judicial systems of Henrietta, Texas in regards to ONAC KM member Jason Endicott, whom still officially is being threatened with 20 YEARS in a Texas state prison for simply being caught in the possession of his legally sanctioned prescription medication cannabis while traveling through their state while on vacation with his wife and young disabled daughter, that rather than he serve his time in a Texas prison, not equipped to accomidate Jason's extremely life-threatening medical needs, that he instead may serve out his sentence within the state of Oregon, on some sort of (likely) felony probation.
"My biggest concern is going to be whether or not Texas is going to allow, or try to prevent me from using my cannabis sacrament medication if and when it comes to my accepting there terms of probation, or if they're just out-right going to condemn me to death in some prison cell somewhere."
Oklevueha Native American Church of Kautantowit's Mecautea is recognized as being primarily a practicing "Mother Medicine", aka "Cannabis" based sacrament church, especially and specificall so within the Circuit Court systems of the state of Oregon...but even more importantly than spirituality, Jason's health and MEDICAL needs dictate as well as out-right Require him the ability to access and consume Mother's Medicine to literally keep him physically alive. You see, Jason Endicott, in addition to being an active member of ONAC KM in Good Standing prior to this police encounter, he also was and still remains a sanctioned Medicinal user of cannabis licensed by the state of Oregon... his residence state!
Oklevieha Native American Church of Kautantowit's Mecautea (ONAC KM) of Oregon Sachem and fellow tribal members continue to call for the complete dismissal of all charges regarding his cannabis medication and spiritual sacrament possession in Texas stating that it IS a physician prescribed medication and should be treated nor viewed any different than heart, blood pressure or any Other type of medically ordered medication, especially by visiting tourists on vacation. And striving to the front lines of Jason's defense even more passionately, are members assiciated intensely with The Human Solution International as well, who together are rallying all cannabis community members and ONAC members and supporters alike as ALL AGREE that no one should go to Prison or be condemned to DIE because of a Creator given plant that IS healing medicinally to them PERIOD!
"If a heart patient were to go on vacation to Florida let's say... Disneyworld... would they face punishment of incarceration if their heart medication were not recognized as legal in Florida... or are we saying they Should be and that All physician prescribed medications should be allowed to be individually dictated by law enforcement type of officials? Me personally, I remain confident that it is among the individual rights of chouce and freedom and that the Only "official" opinion Qualified as worthy enough to be considered or heard, would be that of a Qualified physician, specifically, the Patient's Primary attending physician of their choosing." said Sachem 'Hawkeye' Graves of ONAC KM "We are in short, a Civil Rights based Church on behalf of Turtle Island, aka the America's... and specifically too North America's, meaning the good ole US of A, so the bottom line, is, that anything short of that position and standing would be insufficient for ONAC KM to be in. Ever... Period!"
As soon as we receive additional word and too, official final decisions, we will Promptly let you know... until then though, we ask that our members, All members of ONAC as well as all supporters of ONAC to PLEASE keep your eye on Jason and his case, because we all Know that the governnment have been known to do one thing with their left hand while trying to pull shady shit with their right, thinking and hoping most won't catch it... we, on behalf of Jason and his family and loved ones, ask that this NOT be the case and that YOU help us do a justice patrol until the gavel is slammed and a decision is presented him in writing! Thank you ALL for your care, compassion and concern for this family, may they all, and we all remain safe and strong in the unity and love of Great Creator, A'ho!
It is with great sadness, that we have to formally announce and present to you, the fact that Oklevueha Native american Church of Kautantowit's Mecautea Central Eastern sanctuary gardens of Oregon have been physically attacked!
Word was received by Sachem Graves from members of, as well as non-member community residents of Seneca, that the medicinal cannabis plants at both the ONAC KM sanctuary gardens at the central eastern Oregon sanctuary land were attacked, and that the plants were no more in existence... only empty holes remain.
In the pictures below, you will see that the plants in the garden were coming along nicely, despite a delay of planting due to the weather. In fact, the IRONY of all of this, is that you will see the suspect, hard at work making the holes in which the plants were to be planted to grow for the entirety of the season. You will see the various heights and strains that were planned to flourish in the garden into the top quality and quantity of medication ONAC KM patient members need and deserve
Indeed, a suspect in fact was quickly identified by ALL of the informers as being Brandon Paul Timm, age 23 of Salem, and the Son of ONAC KM President, Healer Timothy Paul 'Talq-Talq' Timm. At this time, it is unclear as to the motivation of young Timm as he was there as a pending member and hopeful for the cultivation apprenticeship program offered Exclusively through the ONAC KM School.
It is also unclear at this time as to whether or not ONAC KM President Timm had any concerns or inclination into the plot to steal the church members garden by his son, but an investigation IS actively underway and also an Emergency Board Meeting is planned to be held specifically to address this issue and situation.
ONAC KM Sachem 'Hawkeye' Graves assures all members, including and Especially the patient members whom had there OMMP sanctions counted into those gardens that despite this tragic set-back, that the members, Especially the patient members whom had their OMMP sanctions actively counted into the gardens Will in fact have a bountiful harvest "Come hell or high water... Period!"
Apparently this came as the official "Final Decision" word from Grant County Sheriff Glen Palmer after having discussed the churches insistence of posecution for the theft of the sanctuaries sacrament garden.
Sachem Graves received as well as reported several complaints as to the going's on's at the sanctuary property to law enforcement officers as being unauthorized and illegal with the demand that the sheriff's department promptly put a stop to it by simply Removing the unauthorized suspect from the property, Brandon Timm of Salem whom had come to thee sanctuary asking for membership into ONAC KM and also to be considered for the Mother Medicine Sacrament Garden as a cultivating apprentice for the season.
However, it was Prior to the ending of the "Boot Camp" phase of the apprenticeship program, that young Timm apparently elected to instead take part in the complete destruction of the garden all together, leaving ONAC KM members and Sachem at a loss as to why such a heartless decision would have been made on the young mans part. "He Knew that those plants were for our patient members... the OMMP medical sanction from the state Proves it without any Room for question Or doubt... and he Knew also that Many of them were combat veterans already diagnosed and suffering from PTSD among other pains and ailments... to me, it's unconsciousable.
According to the sheriff's office, Sheriff Glen Palmer consulted with undersheriff McKinley as well as drug deputy Zach Mobily, whom led the raid On the same sanctuary garden about one year ago, as well as a deputy by the name of Moore whom is seemingly unkonown personally by ONAC KM leaders and local members. The sheriff's office also reports to have consulted with their District Attorney's office as well, and ultimately all seem agreed that the county and state have absolutely NO Authority nor jurisdiction on ONAC KM sanctuary lands!
When it comes to Oklevueha Native American Church of Kautantowit's Mecautea, all Grant County law enforcers tend to concur that no matter What goes on at the sanctuary land in Seneca, that they have No intent of getting themselves involved and state they feel they are attempting to be led into a lawsuit by being asked to defend the rights of the church.
Sachem Graves states that she is Proud of Grant County for having learned the lessons she was trying to educate them in with regards to religious rights of protection and sanction and that the church in fact does superceed their dictation as well as protects them against government interfearance, Especially when it comes to the internal functions and actions Of the church itself including it's members AND while on church sanctuary land.
Graves is now scavenging doing all she can in attempt to save the central eastern sacrament gardens as she maintains it is the ultimate of the ONAC KM Sanctuary lands in Oregon they have for cannabis cultivation.
It is with great sadness, that we announce that because it has been confirmed that ONAC KM President, Healer Timothy Paul 'Talq-Talq' Timm in fact was a knowing and willing part of the theft and ultimate destruction of the ONAC KM Central Eastern Sanctuary Mother Medicine Sacrament Gardens, along with his son, Non-ONAC KM Member Brandon Paul Timm, that the following formal action has in fact been decided by the Board, and is as follows:
Additionally, the Board has ruled that the following actions are optionable to ONAC KM and ALL patient member victims whom had their OMMP sanctions included in the Mother Medicine Sacrament gardens which were raided:
Dear Timothy Paul 'Talq Talq' Timm,
This NOTICE OF DISTRUST is to you, Oklevueha Native American Church Independent Branch Leadership and Oklevueha Native American Church of Kautantowit's Mecautea (ONAC KM), and means, that you are no longer to be trusted as a family member of Oklevueha Native American Church for the following reasons;
1) It has been proven to me over and over again, among hundreds of people, that have personally reported to me, that you are a conduit of fear through spreading unmitigated lies concerning myself, ONAC KM,and other leaders of Oklevueha Native American Church. Your personal as well as professional conduct while in representation of ONAC and/or ONAC KM continues to prove reprehensible as well as detrimental and down-right embarrassing, which in turn, proves intolerable.
2) It has been proven to me that you have stole and are still stealing Sacred Sacraments and other personal property from ONAC KM and our members. You personally have admitted to this reprehensible action via recorded message, and have as well as continue to express absolutely NO Remorse for having chosen such a shameful direction, especially in the representation of Great Creator.
3) It has been proven to me that you along with non-members of ONAC or ONAC KM are conspiring to further attack and steal from ONAC KM and our patient members and sacrament gardens, and are threatening to do harm to our sanctuary lands as a whole. This information as well as your audio messages stating so have been turned over to the proper law enforcement agencies with the expressed desire of obtaining proper justice on our part as ONAC.
4) It has been proven to me that you are violating the ONAC rules regarding the disbursement of ONAC and ONAC KM sacraments to persons and/or organizations that are not members of ONAC nor members of any independent branches of Oklevueha Native American Church according to roll. Yourself, along with a non- ONAC member whom is your son have STOLEN from ONAC KM and our members without remourse nor regret and you plot to continue To steal more as this letter is typed according to in-person witnesses among you.
5) You have repeatedly violated the essential aspect of ONAC Code of Ethic’s, ‘Being Respectful of Other Persons Differences’, along with violating the sacred trust of ONAC KM with our members. You have knowingly decided to STEAL our members medicine because of the financial greed society attaches to it. Beyond damaging their trust, your actions have in turn detrimented their lives and Quality of life,and because of it, at least one of our members is losing his battle for life. This is Beyond shameful of a church president to knowingly and recklessly choose to do, especially in the name of Great Creator!
6) I have been made fully aware of more than 6 ONAC independent branch members that have experienced extreme difficulties with their health in a negative way because of your actions against ONAC KM and our Medicine Sacrament gardens, causing a great deal of suffering, trauma and turmoil within these peoples lives and membership; after you have visited, and/or after they provided you with food, shelter, and/or legal protection.
This includes for example, ONAC KM members such as Travis Davis, a former hero and defender of our nation and freedom, and others like him as well as others such as David Schwarzkaupf and even myself, Sachem Joy Graves of Oklevueha Native American Church of Kautantowit's Mecautea, in which I actually have been told by Grant County Sheriff's office and also by the Oregon State Police as well as other ONAC KM members and member associates to whom which you lied to all and including the dispatch and reporting officers of law enforcement.
You have even admitted in a, braggart manner, to leaders of ONAC KM as well as multiple members as well as non-members of ONAC and ONAC KM that you have this power, to cause such hardship, fear, damage and dissension without any reason or just cause, and too, that your intent is to continue in the confidence that you are un-stoppable, even in a legal capacity.
7) It has been proven to me, over and over again that you continue to be addicted to a variety of Drugs, not including any of ONAC Sacraments, thus you have dishonored your sacred calling as an ONAC independent branch leader, a dispenser of ONAC Sacraments, and too, that you are grossly abusing alcohol on top of these substances as well despite knowing your otherwise untreated mental conditions.
My only regret in dispensing this NOTICE OF DISTRUST at this time is that I did not do this sooner. I now believe I should have given you this notice of the previous mentioned unacceptable behaviors for an ONAC leader more than 3 months ago with your treachery first began emerging. I pray that for this delay in judgment, that I will be forgiven by the people that have grievously suffered because of my delayed action and offer them my sincerest of apologies and condolences for their sufferings.
Tim, Do not contact me in anyway shape or form other than to Sincerely seek forgiveness for the wrongful actions you have taken against this church, our members and or myself Personally. If nothing else, may you come to learn that you actions hurt far more than your intended victims, that they hurt all of our loved ones and relations additionally. Surely you must comprehend, that for to attack ONAC KM you are attacking far beyond our church and members.
Consider this as an EDICT that will hold true until I have learned, that you have made amends, 'from' the people that you have so sorely violated and has caused so much disruption into their lives. Until such time, as of now, you are simply Not to be trusted by ONAC members and most Definitely, you are NOT a formal nor legal representation of ONAC nor ONAC KM from this moment forward until or unless sincere repentance is made and you right all you have wronged while entrusted as an authority figure of this church.
Joy MaxineHawkeye' Graves
Reverend Sachem Healer Joy Maxine 'Hawkeye' Graves
Oklevueha Native American Church of Kautantowit's Mecautea
(ONAC KM) of Oregon
Oklevueha Native American Church of Kautantowit's Mecautea are so humbly blessed and honored to let everyone concerned with the recent misfortunate incident with our Central Eastern Oregon Mother Medicine Sacrament Gardens, that all WILL be well come harvest season for our patient members!
Two very crucial things have happened to make this all end well for ONAC KM and our patient members, and first and foremost, it's thanks to the compassion and selfless acts of kindness from our tribal members, followed by the back up success of our Grandmotherr Garden ensuring patient members will in fact get what they need, and more than they're accustomed to having gotten from growers past as medicinal patients.
"Though we know that this season's bounty will be less than it would have been had our Central Eastern gardens had been allowed to go full harvest, we are still most thankful to see the compassion and brotherly love flourish among our tribal church members, and I personally am most grateful that wewill be able to fufil our promise which is to provide quality and Quantity medication so deseprately needed and desserved by our patient members." said Sachem 'Hawkeye' Graves, leader of ONAC KM of Oregon.
ONAC KM especially and specifically thanks and accredits the following tribal members for their gifts to the members for this project, gifts shown below:
Rev. Healer Steven P. Cherms
Healer Eric Bojak

Official Notice for ALL ONAC & ONAC KM Members
July 16 at 11:51pm ·
I, Joy Maxine 'Hawkeye' Graves, Sachem Healer of Oklevueha Native American Church of Kautantowit's Mecautea (ONAC KM) of Oregon, with agreement of Bruce Timothy Sam, Chief Medicine Man of Oklevueha Native American Church of Kautantowit's Mecautea (ONAC KM) as well, do hereby officially recognize and bless, Healing Acres Lodge as an official lodge of our Church.
I recognize Reverend Healer Steven Phillip Cherms as Principle Stone Carrier of the Lodge, Hailey LeAnn Cherms as Itsipi Leader, and Summer Raine Cherms as Unipi leader of Healing Acres Lodge. The Lodge address will be XXX XXXXXX Rd. Oroville, California 95966.
Offerings of Sacred-Give-Away will be sent on or near the four annual Solstices, or as otherwise instructed.
This will stand as long as the trees and grasses grow, the rivers and streams flow, the wind blows, and the mountains touch the sky.
Dated this 16th Day of July 2015 and Respectfully Signed,
Reverend Sachem Healer Joy Maxine 'Hawkeye' Graves
CEO & Sachem of Oklevueha Native American Church of Kautantowit's Mecautea
(ONAC KM) of Oregon
Official Notice for ALL ONAC & ONAC KM Members
July 16 at 11:57pm ·
I, Joy Maxine 'Hawkeye' Graves, Sachem Healer of Oklevueha Native American Church of Kautantowit's Mecautea (ONAC KM) of Oregon, with agreement of Bruce Timothy Sam, Chief Medicine Man of Oklevueha Native American Church of Kautantowit's Mecautea (ONAC KM) as well as additional current Board Members of ONAC KM, do hereby officially recognize and bless, Healing Acres Lodge, an official lodge of our Church in Good Standing, with the blessing of establihing their lodge as a Mother Medicine based lodge, which includes rights of a Mother Medicine Sacrament Garden upon this lodges sanctuary location.
I recognize Reverend Healer Steven Phillip Cherms, Principle Stone Carrier of the Lodge, as the primary controller and authority of this blessing and of the Mother Medicine Sanctuary Garden directly and specifically, and recognize that Hailey LeAnn Cherms as Itsipi Leader, and Summer Raine Cherms as Unipi leader of Healing Acres Lodge will be assistants to him in regards to this blessing and also too, the Mother Medicine Sacrament Garden. The Lodge address will be XXX XXXXXX Rd. Oroville, California 95966.
It is mutually agreed, that the Offerings of Sacred-Give-Away in regards to this blessing and the Mother Medicine Sacrament Garden will be sent on or near the four annual Solstices, or as otherwise instructed to ONAC KM of Oregon for disbursement thru the ONAC KM Sacrament Dispensary ONLY TO ONAC Members currently IN GOOD STANDING.
This will stand as long as the trees and grasses grow, the rivers and streams flow, the wind blows, and the mountains touch the sky.
Dated this 16th Day of July 2015 and Respectfully Signed,
Reverend Sachem Healer Joy Maxine 'Hawkeye' Graves
CEO & Sachem of Oklevueha Native American Church of Kautantowit's Mecautea
(ONAC KM) of Oregon
ONAC KM returns from Chico Ceremonies!
It is with great relief, that we proudly announce, our Sachem of Oklevueha Native american Church of Kautantowit's Mecautea 'Hawkeye" Graves has in fact Returned from the Blessing & Officiation Ceremonies which took place in Chico, California!
The official ceremonies took place over the course of two days. James Warren 'Flaming Eagle' Mooney and ONAC Earthwalks co-founder & Chief Medicine Man Gary Tom led and officiated both days ceremonies from open until closing, the second day was open to both ONAC members and also ONAC supporters and financial contributors.
Below, you will find some photos taken by as well as of Sachem Graves while in attendence of these blessed ceremonies and among these wonderful brothers and sisters of Oklevueha Native American Church, and a link to our facebook album which contains ALL our Sachems photos of the blessed event!
ONAC KM Sachem Joy Graves would like it known to all ONAC & ONAC KM members that thus far it has overall turned toward being a blessed summer this year afterall as far as both she and Chief Medicine Man Bruce Sam are concern, despite internal setbacks and disappointments.
Since the initiation of the ordeal which ultimately has led to both the complete destruction of the Central East Oregon Mother Medicine Sacrament Garden and too, the official issuance of the Notice of Distrust on ONAC KM President Timothy Paul 'Talq Talq' Timm as per the decision of the then remaining ONAC KM Board, combined with the judicial bondage preventing the churches legal self defense, both spiritual leaders agree that ultimately it's Great Creator alone which dictates and therefore decides all decision for his own reason, and that by maintaining Faith, all ultimately proves to turn out well and blessed If it's meant to be, which again, they emphasize, is Completely up to the decision of Great Creator.
"Proof of that is found within and among the hearts of our tribal members... and it is shining through the grey skies beyond measure" said Sachem Graves, "Fellow members have quickly jumped up and into action and have literally helped to save the day, not to mention the overall harvest season for the patient members in need who were officially included into the Central East Oregon Mother Medicine Gardens."
Immediately upon confirmation of the attack and ultimately, the destruction of the plants within the sanctuaries gardens in Seneca, Oregon, Sachem Graves along with Chief Medicine Man Bruce Sam immediately sought a road trip across state to the ONAC KM South Valley Sanctuary. Within mere hours, they and that sanctuary found itself under surprise legal attack as well, also at the hands of those who'd physically atttacked and destroyed the Central East Gardens.
After half-ass pulling our underwear up, and an evacuation of the South Valley Sanctuary of our oldest of elders, a verbal call was put out to ONAC KM members in effort of saving the objective and goal of the Central East medicinal sacrament gardens... and that call was answered mid-evacuation... before even an Emergency Board Meeting could be called!
Thanks to two very compassionate and sincere healers who Believe in the blessings to be had from the Mother Medicine Sacrament Cannabis... Extremely healthy plants were offered forward, and graciously received from Rev. Steven Cherms, founder of The United Cannabis Ministry of California and tribal member of ONAC KM as well as Chief Stone Carrier of ONAC KM's second official Lodge... Healing Acres, and also from ONAC KM tribal member Eric Bojak, whom currently is pending the final officiation of his own ONAC Independent church branch - Congratulations Eric, you Truly Deserve such the honor and blessing, and from the bottom of our hearts on behalf of our patient members, we cannot Thank You BOTHEnough for your sincere devotion to the importance of people in need having access to this quality life-saving medication!
Additionally, we have Just received word, that Non-ONAC members whom reside within the city of Seneca, whom are combat veterans and sanctioned Oregon Medicinal cannabis patients themselves, are in fact as we speak, rooting clones to fill the holes of the Central East Mother Medicine Sacrament Gardens as well! And also too, the ONAC KM Board has ruled, that in fact, the Grandmother Garden WILL be the "Safety Net" ensuring that the patient members whom in fact had their OMMP sanction included into those two gardens WILL have a successful harvest as well, though it's admitted sadly, that weight Will be lost that Would have over-fufilled had the gardens been left to grow undisturbed.
And too, as Sachem Graves points out, Oregon law enforcers, at least in Grant County so far anyway, at least have learned that they're to Honor the rights of ONAC KM and it's sanctuary lands as the tribal reservations they equal to... that ultimately they have no Jurisdiction over ONAC lands or any functioning therein or upon their lands - and this brothers and sisters, is more valuable then even our lost crops!
Meanwhile, you, our ONAC KM members, have truly been warming the heart of our Chief Medicine Man, and our Sachem wants to ensure you know that, and how Much your warmth, acceptance and brotherly Love has meant to him as they travel our summer journey landing wherever Great Creator leads them. For him to take such a stand on behalf of our devotion to this cause and attempted preservation of our rights and birth-inheritance of culture as Well as to our beloved Mother Medicine Sacrament, has literally blown his MIND and again, seriously warmed his heart, and all of ONAC KM Thanks each and every one of you who have had the pleasure of encountering them this seasons go round, and for you in advance who are yet to whom will also show him how truly Thankful we are for his bravery in freely choosing to stand among us as we WIN thie battle once and for all, and our medicine and all users are FREE once and for all!
Like with Alcatraz, this too is a Moral and Legal issue, a principle in which we can settle nor accept no less than complete liberation and vendication for this plant and all it's users who have and remain being victimized by the insanity of unjust laws wrongfully governing and persecuting this plant and those who've found benefit from her... we demand that it stop here and now, and that all what damage that can be fixed, be fixed as speedily as is possible to get done... meaning the plant out of written law, and her users incarcerated out from the walls of corrections, drug treatments, or wherever else they have been court ordered as a form of punishment for following Creators instrustion.

It is with great sadness that the following decisions regarding course of action has been decided by the Board of Directors of Oklevueha Native american Church of Kautantowit's Mecautea of Oregon: during our 7/7/15 emergency meeting:
1. A Notice of Distrust to ONAC KM President Timothy Paul 'Talq Talq' Timm;
2. A Restraining Order filed on ONAC KM President Timothy Paul 'Talq Talq" Timm for all ONAC KM sanctuary properties in Oregon;
3. Civil litigation is authorized against ONAC KM President Timothy Paul 'Talq Talq' Timm for the theft and vandalism of the ONAC KM garden and sanctuary and for the duress caused ONAC KM and ONAC KM members;
4. Criminal pursuance of charges of Theft, Vandalizm,Harassment and Menacing against ONAC KM President Timothy Paul 'Talq Talq Timm from ONAC KM and Sachem Joy Graves;
5. A Restraining Order filed on Brandon Paul Timm for all ONAC KM sanctuary properties in Oregon;
6. Criminal pursuance of charges of Theft, Vandalism, Criminal Tresspass, and Burglery against Brandon Paul Timm;
7. Authorization of the addition of Security for All ONAC KM sanctuary properties within Oregon (guards, Cameras, Motion sensors, intercom system, etc.)
(( Let it be known and clearly understood that as of this ruling;
A. ONAC KM President Timothy Paul 'Talq Talq" Timm is officially DISTRUSTED and DISTRUSTABLE by any and all ONAC and ONAC KM members; and,
B. That Brandon Paul Timm has never nor ever should be considered for membership into ONAC nor ONAC KM until repentance is paid and trust-ability and honor is proven restored.))
What this means is that Timothy Paul 'Talq Talq" Timm is not only Not to be trusted nor is trust-able, but also too that as of this moment he no Longer is any form or professional representation of Oklevueha Native American Church of Kautantowit's Mecautea and will not be reconsidered as so until full repentance and amends are made to ALL whom he has wronged while entrusted as a representative of this church, If Ever!

Oklevueha Native American Church of Kautantowit's Mecautea (ONAC KM) of Oregon has officially announced that it has in fact established it's second official "Lodge", expanding ONAC KM into a total now of three states of it's own.
The first Lodge established under ONAC KM is known as Oklevueha Native American Church of Kautantowit's Mecautea Garden Path Lodge of Florida, which in addition to practitioning ceremony, are intensly invilved in the self sufficiency as well as global and economical sustainability to be had in organically cultivating food.
The second lodge of ONAC KM is known as "Oklevueha Native American Church of Kautantowit's Mecautea Healing Acres Lodge of California", which unlike the Florida lodge, in addition to practicioning ceremony, have been blessed specifically as a Mother Medicine Sacrament lodge, complete with their own Mother Medicine Sacrament Garden.
Our third lodge is known as "ONAC KM's Grandmother's Love Lodge" which also has full right, authority and blessings of ONAC KM Sachem 'Hawkeye' Graves to produce and supply Mother Medicine sacrament to members, but too, with another unique twist as only Onac KM is becoming notorious in having withing it's church tribe... Grandmother's Love Lodge focuses upon the needed option of Animal Medicine and Healing, especially utilizing our beloved Mother Medicine as a primary alternative treatment option!
When asked as to why the difference of blessing between the two lodges, Sachem Graves quantly answered "Because one Lodge was qualified for a blessing of and for Mother Medicine and the other was not... because one lodge sought such a blessing and the other did not, and because it was the Right decision to make for each lodge overall, at least for the time being, things could prove to change, one never knows because only Time will tell such things."
Below, you will find the official notice of the blessing of Grandmother's Love Lodge by Sachem Graves August of 2015 for your convenience:
Official Notice for ALL ONAC & ONAC KM Members
August 5th 2015 at 11:30am ·
I, Joy Maxine 'Hawkeye' Graves, Sachem Healer of Oklevueha Native American Church of Kautantowit's Mecautea (ONAC KM) of Oregon, do hereby officially recognize and bless, Ishkaday tasunka Lodge as an official lodge of our Church... hereby known as:
"Onac KM Ishkaday tasunka Lodge" of Washington State.
I recognize Animal Medicine Healer Lila York as the Principle Stone Carrier of the Lodge, Haiku York as Itsipi Leader, and Corain York as Unipi leader of Onac KM Ishkaday tasunka Lodge, and bless The Lodge address of XXXXX XXXX Ave. Auburn, Washington 98001.
Offerings of Sacred-Give-Away will be sent on or near the four annual Solstices, or as otherwise instructed.
This lodges blessing will stand as long as the trees and grasses grow, the rivers and streams flow, the wind blows, and the mountains touch the sky.
Dated this 5th Day of August 2015 and Respectfully Signed,
Reverend Sachem Healer Joy Maxine 'Hawkeye' Graves
CEO & Sachem of Oklevueha Native American Church of Kautantowit's Mecautea
(ONAC KM) of Oregon