Gathering Goals
Oklevueha Native Americn Church of Kautantowit's Mecautea knows the importance of social gathering, networking and friendship, so we have made it ourpersonal goal to establish and maintain traditions geared toward bringing people together as the brothers & sisters we are.
Among the great variety of activities and events that we hope will bring everyone together, here is but a short list of some of the wonderful things we hope to do that will encourage that:
1. classes of sorts (jewelry making, lapidary, beading, weaving, pottery, etc.
2. Game Night(s): Bingo, Poker, Etc.
3. Bizaars
4. Cake Walks
5. Meetings of sorts (elders, teens, support variatios, Etc.
Eventually too, we hope to add to these such things like "Movie Night" and things like that.
Also too, we're planning on estalishing our choir, drum circles and so forth as well.
If you're interested in partaking or in the assistance of helping this goal take flight, please let us know, we look forward to your participation!
Project: Burial
ONAC.KM would like to begin to set our sites on establishing a cemetery of ourown within the state of Oregon for our members and their families and loved ones, including also their pets as well, at a reduced rate.
To date, ONAC has et to have estalished ANY sort of cemetery or urial grounds for our members, and we here at ONAC KM think it's high time as well as seriously necessary. Have you PRICED a burial these days?! Just the burial costs we mean, not funeral and such - burial... it's Outrageous Beyond, to the point it's Almost more expensive to Die than it is to Live!
We wish to change that, Especially for our members, and too, we aim to go Above and beyond most cemetaries you see around, in both appearance as well as ottom line costs. Did we mention we aim to allow your famil pets to be buried With You too - something No OTHER cemetery seem willing to allow!
We're aiming toward aout 50 acres of land for this endeavor, suitable as well as zonable for a cemetery.
If you're interested in helping us in Any way attain this goal, please contact and coordinate with us, it will be SO appreciated!
Project: Food
ONAC.KM would like to begin a foodshare pantryhouse resource for all ONAC.KM members. Additionally, we would like to impliment an "All Public" assistance resource options for the community as well and possible and also expand as deemed necessary.
Currently, we have sanctuary land in the south Willamette Valley as well as out in central eastern Oregon as well. Though both are still needing work, eventuall we'd like to get these food pantries estalished at ALL our sanctuary locations so to best benefit our members.
Our sachem Knows what it's like to go hungy, and she doesn't nor wouldn't wish That on anyone, member or not, so,If you are interested in helping us achieve this goal, please coordinate with us, we sure appreciate all your help and assistance, as will our members whom benefit from it!
Assist ONAC’s vision in providing safe environments for indigenous earth based healing spiritual medicines and Indigenous American Native Ceremonies to thrive.
Do not Delay,
Donate Today!
Project: School
ONAC.KM would like to begin to set our sites on establishing a private School of our own within the state of Oregon for our members and their families and loved ones. Our goal is to teach the basic education criteria based on truth, fact, and native cultural traditions.
Sad as it is to have to say, the North American education system has steadily been diminishing for way to long, and too, the educational fibers being lost if not removed in the shuffle. Things needing taught are intentionally being left out of our children's education system, and things that should Not be taught in the schools Are being, which in turn affects not onl our children but all who have to deal with and encounter them! We aim to fix this as est as is possible for us as a church to do, so if you're interested in helping with this, please let us know as we feel it's a worthy edeavor.
Your encouraged to Donate to any one specific cause or goal as Great Spiritmoves you, or to our General Fund which will cover our basic overhead expenses andthen secondarily support our great many endeavors.
We're asking for Your Help!

Project: News Media
ONAC.KM would like to begin to set our sites on establishing a media source of our own as an ONAC endeavor.
Our goal here is to establish and maintain a news source for the world that honorably reflects our heritage which is first nation culture more than most else.
To accomplish this, we will need YOUR HELP - e it as a staff member, writer, reporter, photographer, editor, Etc. - from stage one to stage done.
If you're interested in helping or contributing in Any way for this project, please Do promptly contact us so that we may coordinate with you however you wish to be involved, Thank You!
Project: Land
ONAC.KM have begun establishing our own permanent root structure and foundations here in the Willamette Valley of the Pacific Northwest, we are working our way into the position of ownership on some land sutiable for ceremony, acreage and river front preferably.
We are Hoping for some along the MacKenzie river, as it's not Only thee cleanest water source in the entire state, but too, there's a Good Chance we could land a hotspring in that area of the state as well.
For those whom aren't familiar with this area, it is among the most beautiful natural lands left in the state, filled with all kinds of trees including old growth white cedar, oak and confirs galore. The fish run abundant here, from native and planted rainbow trout to steelhead, and rumors of some salmon! And too, wildlife is in aundance here, from deer and elk to bobcat, mountain lion and even bear and of course, ospray, hawks, bald and golden eagles on down to canaries, cardinals and sparrows all in great numbers!
We cannot think of a better location to try and establish some permanent roots for ONAC KM other than right here in the Willamette Valley and National Forest land - can you?!
If you're interested in helping us out with this goal, please coordinate with us, we appreciate ALL the help from you we can get and that you're willing to give!
Project: Habilitation
ONAC.KM would like to establish annual habilitation based programs for the purpose of aiding in the struggles currently faced within society today in the hopes of rebuiding ourselves a better community within society and healing the gaps outherwise lost in darkness and hopelessness for tomorrow.
It's so Hard now adays to make ends meat, and more and more of us are tightening our belts until we end up doing without, and then losing what little we have left. Realisticall though, we Have to help ourselves and too, we need to find support systems and options offered as help by others seriously trying to help us turn our lies around for the better, especially for the sake of our families else no one will.
If your interested in helping us achieve this, please contact and coordinate with us, it would sure mean a lot to so very many if you do!
Great Spirit and all unseen, This day we pray and ask You for guidance, humbly we ask You to help us and fellow men to have recourse to peaceful ways of life, because of uncontrolled deceitfulness by human- kind.
Help us all to love, not hate one another. We ask you to be seen in an image of Love and Peace. Let us be seen in beauty, the colors of the rainbow. We respect our Mother, the planet, with our loving care, for from Her breast we receive our nourishment.
Let us not listen to the voices of the two-hearted, the destroyers of mind, the haters and self-made leaders, whose lusts for power and wealth will lead us into confusion and darkness. Seek visions always of world beauty, not violence nor battlefields.
It is our duty to pray always for harmony between man and earth, so that the earth will bloom once more. Let us show our emblem of love and goodwill for all life and land.
Pray for the House of Glass, for within it are minds clear and pure as ice and mountain streams. Pray for the great leaders of nations in the House of Mica who in their own quiet ways help the earth in balance.
We pray the Great Spirit that one day our Mother Earth will be purified into a healthy peaceful one.
Let us sing for strength of wisdom with all nations for the good of all people.
Our hope is not yet lost, purification must be to restore the health of our Mother Earth for lasting peace and happiness.Techqua Ikachi - for Land and Life!"

On October 30th 2014 just after court for our sacrament garden bust hearing, ONAC KM Sachem Healer Joy Graves along with ONAC KM tribal member Crockett Anderson agreed to and accepted a chapter of Human Solutions International on behlaf of our tribe! Permission & Blessing were obtained by James Warren 'Flaming Eagle' Mooney immediately afterward for Human Solution International to be made part of the ONAC KM branch. ALL ONAC members are welcomed as well as highly encouraged to become involved.
The Human Solution International is a grassroots network of people that began in Southern California. Chapters have been chartered covering the Northern, Central, and Southern areas of California as well Arizona, Colorado, Washington, Michigan and Ohio. You can become a member and start a chapter too! The Human Solution International has recently become a federally recognized and registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization; any and all donations are tax deductible.
The purpose of The Human Solution International is to support each other through the trials we face as cannabis consumers and spread educational information about cannabis. California voters approved cannabis for medical uses in 1996, now more than 19 states and our nation's capital all have compassionate use laws.
Project: Support
Project Goals
Sacrament Cannabis Court Support (SCCS) is an essential necessity in which cannot afford to be overlooked, for it means there are victims will end uplost and alone in the prison system without valid reason and ultimately unknown and forgotten, and we Owe it to them to ensure that Does NOT Happen period.
The SCCS program is designed to work within our adopted affiliate "The Human Solution International" to aid and assist in the coordination of court cupport for al cannabis victims being wrongfully persecuted for having an involvement with our beloved sacred cannabis plant family.
Too many face the legal system with abolutely NO physical presence support system which is and can easily turn into a PTSD wound in itself. The SCCS program intends on reducing if not elimination this one case at a time until such cases come to an end as far as finding their way into a courtroom!
We know however, that no one or even few can do this alone, so, we ask and hope that you will find it in your heart to help aid to the reality of consequence by offering a little of your time and compassion for your fellow human being, and join with us in the SCCS Program ASAP and help to make this positive difference by providing this ray of hope and encouragement to a victim of insane prohibition today!
Sacrament Cannabis Victim Services (SCVS) is an other essential necessity that comes hand in hand with our SCCS program, but our SCVS program is structured and designed to focus on those individuals whom have already found themselves condemned by the legal system for having utalized our cannabis sacrament despite the fact that the wrongful lwas declaring war on mother nature are wrong and unfounded.
The SCVS program coordinates "pen pal" type support between via our adopted associates "The Human Solution International" as well as public outreach reminder cries for our incarcerated brothers and sisters to ensure that they indeed are not forgoten. ONAC KM hereby proudly imliments our SCVS program with our "Warrior POW" page in honor of their sacrafice for our sacraments liberation.
To ensure that despite having been convicted, that these are not victims who have ended up forgotten and lost within the criminal system, which again, we Owe it to them to ensure that Does NOT Happen period, we ask and hope that you will find it in your heart to help aid to the reality of consequence by offering a little of your time and compassion for your fello human being, and join with us in the SCVS Program ASAP and help to make this positive difference by providing this ray of hope and encouragement to a victim of insane prohibition today! A few stamps and a five minute letter or even just a simle "Thinking of you" or holiday card can and will make a world of difference to our POW's and is really not a whole lot to ask of you considering the sacrafice they're making in the hopes that you and I will never have to.
Sacrament Cannabis Court Support (SCCS) Program