Because the Native American Church honors all military veterans whom have served in the defense of Turtle Island, we have many within our tribe... all of which need support as well as attention, so, if you are interested in sponsoring a Veteran or teir next of kin, please contact us and wewill do our best to make the good medicine happen!
Most of the tasks taken for granted by our healthy prove to be among the biggest of struggles for our disabled brothers and sisters upon Turtle Island, if not impossible all together... and the majority of society tend to ignore hoping it will soon go away, at least from their view so that their hearts don't weigh heavy from subconscious. If you would like to offer a hand of help to our disabled tribal members, please network with us, you KNOW it and You WILL be appreciated, by them as well as Great Creator!
Becoming an elder is something that hopefully we all live long enough to see and enjoy in our lives, but too, it is our elders who need a little looking over as the years progress onward, so, if you are interested in taking part in mking a positive differenc in the lives of our elders, please let us know as we have a great many options avaliable that they are So appreciative of, and bless your hearts for caring enough to do so!
Sponsor An Elder
Sponsor A Veteran
There are many ways you can contribute to our endeavor, your time, special skills, energy & efforts, materialistic possessions, and of course, financially all are needed and will be greatly appreciated!


As we continue to hear, our children are our futures, and those of us who made it through the roughest know that it's the teenage years that are among the most difficult to have to go through... and the most deciding. This is why ONAC KM wants to do all we can to ensure that no matter what it is troubling to them, that they maintain a clear head and too, that they know the are Not alone. If you would like to help us, please let us know.
Sponsor a Disabled Person
Sponsorship & Mentor Opportunities
Sponsor A Teenager
If you or anyone you know might be interested in joining in ONAC's Mission
As a result of your interest in our cause please consider our personal invitation to join a national movement in having all Federal and State Government Agencies exercise the principles of the First Amendment of the Bill of Rights and in more detail in the American Indian Religious Freedom Act and Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act of 2000 regarding the Native American Church (Native American Church).
The Native American Church has established precedent that all plants, herbs, mushrooms and cactus produced by mother earth are considered Sacred and their use by the Native American Church are to be protected by the United States Judicial System. It has also been established that the United States Law enforcement agencies do not have any legal authority to question the racial make up of a Native American Church cardholder.
The previous mentioned understandings are duly supported by the United States 10th Circuit Court of Appeals, State of Utah Supreme Court, to the United States Supreme Court. These unanimous rulings, by these courts, state clearly and concisely that any and all United States government agencies are to protect the Native American Church civil liberties.
The laws of the land also state very clearly the consequences for any government agency or one or more of its officials to conspire and/or under the color of law attempt to deny or violate the Native American Church of it’s civil liberties is a serious criminal offense.
Sponsor A Support Group
Sponsor A Family
There are many endeavors we have that will need your help if they are to succeed. If you and or someone you know are willing to assist in any one of our directions, please let us know and we will heppily coordinate with you.
In times like mother world and we all find ourselves in the middle of these days, support groups are a necessity for a great many people and also too for a wide variety of needs by our fellow brothers and sisters, so we hope that if this touches upon your heart, that you will network with us so that we can do all we possibly can to help ensure the hands of help are there for our tribal members - however they may need it.
During times of resession and of course too, the Great Depression, such as our economy seems to be in these days, many families struggle, not only to make ends meat, but also too in just having a little support and a few of the most basic of necessities. ONAC KM is here and hoping to help, but we cannot do it alone, we need you. For more information or to contribute or vilunteer, please contact us.