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James Warren 'Flaming Eagle' Mooney talks about ONAC and it's growh being good medicine!
James is the co-founder of Oklevueha Native American Church and founder of Oklevueha Earth Walks Native American Church of Utah.

Message from our Mother Church
January 29, 2015
"Dear Brothers and sisters,
Please know that I am merely stating facts with no animosity attached to them.
1) While I was suffering from an illness, manic depression, my parental responsibility was taken away from me, because the social service agency did not honor the Indian Child Welfare Act.
2) I was an honorary state of Utah police officer and correctional counselor that was fired for being an American Native person that honored his heritage.
3) My Family was kicked out of the city of Gunnison for practicing American Native Ceremonies.
4) I was refused to renew my city-counseling license by the city of Gunnison, because my counseling practice included American Native counseling procedures.
5) Oklevueha Native American Church of Benjamin Utah was raided; Linda and I were arrested and indicted by the state of Utah, with the desire of the state to imprison us for the rest of our lives.
6) My life was threatened three times with the last threat, threatened to kill my entire family.
7) After ONAC and we successfully defended ourselves with the state of Utah Supreme Court. State of Utah Attorney General Mark Shurtleff and State of Utah Director of Indian Affairs Forest Cutch lied to the state of Utah legislators to in act a bill of attainder law to deprive all Native American Churches of their civil liberties in the state of Utah.
8) The Native American Rights Fund (NARF), Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA), state of Utah Attorney General Mark Shurtleff, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) lied to a federal grand jury to bring about indictments against Linda and Myself, that desired to place both of us into prison for the rest of our lives.
9) The DEA lied in a federal court hearing in an attempt to my wife and myself from being released from Jail.
10) After the federal defense attorneys discovered the lies that the BIA, NARF, DEA and the state of Utah had committed, and with the federal prosecuting attorney’s the petitioned the federal court to drop all charges prior to an federal evidential hearing. This was the first time in the history of our nations judicial system this has ever happened."
James Warren ‘Flaming Eagle’ Mooney
James WFE Mooney,
Elder Medicine Man - Emeritus
Oklevueha Native American Church

ONAC Martyr's Family under state attack
January 9, 2015
On Jan. 9th 2015 Mickaihla Gardiner was abducted by the State of Utah!
"I was just told that my daughter is being placed in foster care as her mother has tested positive for meth.. I have been found a fit parent by this judge in a previous case involving me and another x. But I made this judge apologise to my wife on record. He has been heard publically stateing he hates me. I am also sueing this county on depravation of rights. (Which is hard to do broke. And with no attorney) ......
Ok so here is the gist of this. I want to go get my daughter. I am not apart of their investigation. And I will NEVER waive another of my rights."
"At this time I would like to ask each of you for letters of support to be written and mailed to me @ Jeff Gardner c/o Rebecca Gagon, 14 N 900 E, American Fork, Utah, 84003
My daughter should not be in foster care. Many of you know me personally and can attest to my way with the children. Always taking time to get them involved with our ceremonies, teaching them important woodland skills, an trying to guide them to always seek truth.
Many of you know me for the guidance I have offered regarding walking the red road in a good way!
So I ask from the bottom of my heart and for my Daughters sake. Please send a letter of support that my daughter to be placed in my custody rather tha being adopted out to strangers.
Despite any difference in opinion we may have regarding certain issues I do not believe any would wish this evil apon my daughter. So I Humbly ask that those differences be set aside for my daughters sake.
PLEASE help me out in this matter And send a letter of support : Jeff Gardner c/o Rebecca Gagon, 14 N 900 E, American Fork, Utah, 84003
Thank you!
I love you all!
"Jeff Standing Tall Gardner is somewhat of a legend."
"Gutsy", "Patriot", "Truth seeker", "Quixotic", "Service-to-Others," "Priest", "Pioneer" all describe this complex yet simple man.
Someday. You may consider him to be a "Nelson Mandela" of Cannabis Human Rights."says Will 'Blue Otter' Anderson of Oklevueha Native American Church of The White Roots of Peace and Host of ProphecyKeepers Radio.
"Jeff is one of the Framers of the "Mother" Oklevueha Native American Church, the ONLY federally recognized off reservation NAC Church, which has earned THREE UNANIMOUS U.S.A. Federal Court rulings."
"She has been temporarily placed in my neices home. They are now trying to say I am not her Father." ....
The United States Supreme Court has stated: “There is a presumption that fit parents act in their children’s best interests, Parham v. J. R., 442 U. S. 584, 602; there is normally no reason or compelling interest for the State to inject itself into the private realm of the family to further question fit parents’ ability to make the best decisions regarding their children. Reno v. Flores, 507 U. S. 292, 304. The state may not interfere in child rearing decisions when a fit parent is available. Troxel v. Granville, 530 U.S. 57 (2000).
"Nobody knows the abject terror of rushing into a fully engulfed burning building, knowing that the roof is about to collapse, like that of a Firefighter! There is only one Horror that is more terrifying.... Receiving word that your child has been kidnapped!"
Talk about a Mind BLOWING experience, one wished on No Parent.
A total of 5 children were living in what the state deemed to be a situation needing such swift action that the officials themselves couldn't make the time to follow what's called "Proper Proceedure". And yet at the SAME TIME, only a total of 2 of the 5 MINOR CHILDREN were plucked out from there immediate homelife with their mother. Of these two, it is Jeff's youngest that immediately springs to mind, and breaks his heart quicker than even his others, little baby Mickaihla Gardner.
an even more Interestin a twist... her Father Jeff 'Standing Tall' Gardner has actually already been declared a fit parent by the same Judge and DCFS office involving a different situation and a different of his children who was also removed from their mother's care by the state of Utah.
What these two things equate to, is that Jeff should have been informed by the State prior to their abduction of them. But instead was informed by Mickaihla's 14 year old older sister who was not removed from such the "Dangerous" homelife. Confused yet? We sure are.
For those of you whom are unfamiliar with Jeff 'Standing Tall' Gardiner, but he is the President of Oklevueha Native American Church of Huntington in American Fork, Utah. Jeff has been one of our front line freedom fighters of and within the Native American Church for many moons and forever will be down in history as a NAC Warrior. In fact, here is one of the best quotable statements found describing him by fellow ONAC tribal members:
In addition to being such the noble warrior of ONAC, Jeff also was well respected as a firefighter for and within his community for many moons as well. ut despite these glorious reason to honor this man and to respect his family, the state of Utah seems more out to punish him, and we believe that it Is in fact to do with his involvment in ONAC and his continued intense defense for our Native American rights including and especially so, our freedoms encompassing traditional culture and spirituality.
No parent can prepare themselves for the day they receive a call saying that something's gone wrong concerning the well-being of their child, no matter what's the child's age. Though too, if Multiple children are found in the position of prompting such a call, one would presume that fear and panic to intensify at Least by the amount number of kids immediately affected by such a call. Both of these conclusions prove WRONG when it comes to "Child Safety" within the state boundary of Utah though, and it's leaving many concerned, not to mention the victim family comopletely Devistated.
Imagine getting a telephone call from your daughter out of the blue one day, how exciting that would initially be, especially when your Not the custodial parent. Such a call in itself one would Think would prove to be a good medicine thing to have happen, but not in this case... instead it would prove to be one of the most scariest calls a parent could get, and definately Not one expected nor anticipated From one''s own kid!
"Only the two youngest of five were removed (the other three are too old to adopt out)." said a very justifiably upset father Extremely concerned for his precious young daughter.
As of right now,
As of now, we ask for your prayers of good medicine for this family and for the proper justice of unification between Jeff Gardner and his daughter, and she with their family in a proper way. We also ask all whom are willing and able to help Jeff by Voluntarily writing letters of Support for his victim position due to the state of Utah child snatchers organization.
We also ask and encourage you to share positive energy and encouragement for our brother and his family during these difficult and scary times, and too, if you can help financially... it would prove to be among the most Hopeful things you can do because we All Know fighting the "system" costs money, especially if you're determined to win and ensure proper justice within their "Legal System"