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 Jesuits first encounter the Lakota -- in Minnesota near Lake Superior 1750 By this year, the Lakota have moved into the Great Plains.

1804 Lewis and Clark find the Lakota along the White River in South Dakota.

1851 Fort Laramie Treaty 1868 Treaty with Red Cloud establishes Great Sioux Reservation

1874 Gold discovered in the Black Hills.

1876 Battles with U.S., including Little Big Horn (25 June). Black Hills "sold" to U.S.

1877 Crazy Horse surrenders and is killed.  

1881 The U.S. government forbids celebration of sundance. (It continues in secret.)

1883 The last of the bison herds is slaughtered by Wasichu (white) buffalo-hunters.

1889 The Ghost Dance movement begins under Wovoka (Paiute holy man).

1890 Massacre at Wounded Knee (29 December)

1932 Black Elk tells his story to John Niehardt; Deloria publishes Dakota Texts.

1934 Indian Reorganization Act

1968 Founding of American Indian Movement

1973 The Seige at Wounded Knee

Chronologically Speaking...

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