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          ONAC KM 2015 Sacrament Garden Agreement



I, the below signed, do hereby agree to the following agreement regarding my part within the  ONAC KM 2015 Sacrament Garden:


1. I agree that Member Patients will sanction SIX plants as authorized under their OMMP sanction from the state of Oregon.


2. I agree that each Patient Member will be assigned a Sacrament Garden Grower whom will be named and prtected under their OMMP sanction.


3. I agree that the Sacrament Garden Grower will perfrm ALL of the labour necessary to ensure a successful harvest.


4. I agree that upon the harvest All Parties will be summonsed and will appear at the Sanctuary Garden upon the time of harvest.


4. I agree that Patient Members will first, via drawn numbers, select and obtain their 1/2 of the sanctioned plants under their OMMP Card (50% = 3 of 6)


5. I agree that upon the completion of #4, that the Garden Grwers will then, by number, select and obtain their share of the medicine sacrament plants ( 25% = 1 1/2 plants per Patient Member Sanction assigned them by ONAC KM) 


6. I agree that upon completion of #5, that the remaining 25% of the medicine sacrament plants then become the property/ share of ONAC KM for having allowed and potected the garden.


7. I acknowledge that Any and All donations received by ONAC KM for their share of the gardens medicinal sacrament Will go tward the expansion of the Sanctuary garden program for future gardens for the ONAC KM ptient members.


8. I agree that each sacrament garden project offered by ONAC KM is an Annual agreement, and that each year, all persons Must apply and then be Approved to participate in the Sacrament Garden project by ONAC KM.


9. I agree t follow and abide by the ONAC KM Sacrament Garden Code of Conduct at ALL times during my participation, and that if breeched on MY part that discliplinary action can be taken including my being removed from the gardens cultivation at ANY TIME prior toOR during the grow season.


10. I agree that if my state sanction of participation in the gardening prject of the sacrament medicine, that I will Promptly notify ONAC KM IN WRITING so to avoid endangering the Sanctuary garden and all people participating in it, Or that I may be held accountable for consequences brought upon ONAC KM and/or all participants in the garden AND could be Excluded from future participation within an ONAC KM Sacrament Garden Grow project/ operation.

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P.O. Box 40155

Eugene, OR 97404










P.O. Box 72093


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