Oklevueha Native American Church (ONAC) of Kautantowit's Mecautea (KM) is the official independant branch of ONAC foundationed within the state of Oregon.
ONAC KM is also the primary protectors, defenders as well as educators and utilizers of our "Mother Medicine Sacrament", aka Cannabis but better known as "Marihuana" within today's mis-educated society.
Through ONAC KM of Oregon, NAC as well as First Nations & First Peoples knowledge, wisdom and cultural heritage is not only preserved but Honored and cherished. Because our authority traces back from Paiute thru Seminole and from the Oglala Sioux back to the originally incorporated NAC in Oklahoma back in 1915 `and through us has now included too the Narragansett lineage as well, ONAC KM reflects our traditions, wisdom and teachings primarily upon the Paiute and Lakota ways more than most, but we do also reflect Narragansett in our language and titling, and teach ALL First Nations and First Peoples ways and beliefs as traditionally as is possible within today's society and encourage further research and studies into each and all of the unique cultures inherant to us for having been born here upon the land We call "Turtle Island!

“The undersigned, Richard ‘He Who Has the Foundation’ Swallow, Chief of the Standing Buffalo Band and Chief of the Eagle Clan of the Oglala Sioux Tribe of the Pine Ridge, United States congressionally recognized American Native Indian Reservation, and James Warren ‘Flaming Eagle’ Mooney Medicine Man of the Central Seminole People, hereby certify the follow: A. Oklevueha Lakota Sioux Nation Native American Church is an Allied and Communal Native American Church merging the Lakota Sioux Nation Native American Church and Oklevueha EarthWalks Native American Church of Utah Inc. of the United States.”
Oklevueha Band Indian Colony
The OBIC-A regards all land acquired lor Colony use as Sacred."
The "Church" is the Oklevueha NAC which is the Spiritual arm of the Oklevueha Band Indian Colony. Inc. and Colony itself. Its relationship to the Colony is ingrained within.
1st Rosebud NAC Blessing by Leslie Fool Bull to James Warren ‘Flaming Eagle’ Mooney and Oklevueha EarthWalks native American Church of Utah Inc., March 20, 1998
The following blessing was written out in Leslie Fool Bull and James Warren Flaming Eagle Mooney handwriting on a Rapid City, Regional Hospital, South Dakota napkin and witnessed by Leslie’s son Kirk Fool Bull and Jorge Alvarado: March 20, 1998, Blessing for Peyote Church. James Warren Flaming Eagle Mooney, Oklevueha EarthWalks Native American Church Inc., Leslie Fool Bull, P.O. Bx. 12, Parmalee S.D. 57566, N.A.C. Rosebud S.D. 57566, Witness: Kirk Fool Bull, (605) 747-5604, March 20, 1998.
2nd. Rosebud NAC Blessing by Richard ‘He Who Has the Foundation’ Swallow, Chief of the Eagle Clan, confirmation and clarification, August 19, 2007
“I am RICHARD ‘HE WHO HAS THE FOUNDATION’ SWALLOW. I have; personal knowledge of the facts in this affidavit and the facts are true and correct. I am the nephew of Leslie Fool Bull (Deceased) President of the Native American Church, Rosebud Reservation of South Dakota. I am presently the residing President of the Native American church, Rosebud Reservation of South Dakota. I am Oglala Sioux Chief of the Eagle Clan. I verify and sustain the Blessing of March 20, 1998 given to James Warren ‘Flaming Eagle’ Mooney and Oklevueha EarthWalks Native American Church of Utah Inc (Oklevueha Native American Church) by Leslie Fool Bull.”

Native American Church has full Constitutional Rights and Protections as have other registered Churches, worshipping in the United States of America, receiving theirs since September 17, 1787!
Oklevueha Native American Church is a United States and United Nations recognized representative of North and South America Native indigenous Cultures.
Oklevueha is a Non-Denominational Tribal Spirituality and Religion and you do not need to be Native American to join or donate or support ONAC. All nations and religions are welcome that come in a good way.
Oklevueha Native American Church of Kautantowit's Mecautea (ONAC KM) is an Oregon based independant branch of Oklevueha Native American Church (ONAC) and a direct reflection of they as well as the original Native American Church (NAC) itself.
ONAC KM currently has three established sanctuary grounds throughout the state, the first being in the southern Willamette Valley in the near-death city of Curtin, Oregon, our second in the central Willamette Valley in downtown Harrisburg, Oregon, and our third, also in a near death city but over in the central eastern part of the state known as Seneca, Oregon. All have been blessed and are open to members in need, just know, all are still under preperation/construction for ceremonial services.
Curtin has always been our primary sanctuary in Oregon as it is the most prepared of the land we have to work with and offer members though still too is in the works. In downtown Harrisburg, we actually have a 103 year old catholic missionar church-house building one block between ole Highway 99 and the Willamette River. Our Seneca sanctuary being the most recently established still needs a great deal of work before it's properly prepared, but we do have church members who are going to be working on it as well as implimenting our second sanctuary garden at that location as well.
Members interested in utilizing and or assisting with these sanctuaries, please inquire with our Sachem, 'Hawkeye' Graves.
~The eagle represents courage and bravery.~
The native people believe that they are the ones closest to the creator, The Great Spirit. The feathers of the eagle are honored by Indians as having powerful medicine,and that Eagle Medicine is the power of The Great Spirit, the spirit of tenacity. He glides up above observing...., and there was a time when he has seen the true beauty and goodness in this garden. He has seen water sparkling from its purity flowing down noble mountains as he felt the refreshing power of clean air as he worked with the winds to fly.
He heard the rumbling roar of great herds of buffalo moving across the plains and he has seen Mother Earth green with healthiness as she raised healthy children with healthy minds and bodies. In carrying out his duty he has seen the countless offerings of the Indigenous people striving to exist in the true perfection of a two legged in harmony with Mother Earth.
He has seen the happiness of the children as they played with pureness in their hearts and he knew that the Creator smiled upon us with his blessings. He has seen the arrival of the newcomers who disrupted our sacred way of life with the desire of stealing our homelands. He has seen the courage of our warriors defending Mother Earth not afraid to die for they know their spirits will return to our Creator. He has seen the suffering of the Indigenous people being hunted down like a wounded deer and he has seen the real freedom of life disappear from this land. Even his own image of freedom was placed on papers and he sees his sacred feathers being sold for those papers.
Today as he flies above the clouds in space once only reserved for them, he hears the charge of the iron birds crashing through the clouds. He avoids the clouds of filthy air which lingers over bee hives of busy people hurrying to satisfy their own taste of honey. He is sad to see his own die from the lightening power of endless wires, and words cannot explain the hurt he feels when he sees his kind in captivity, displayed for curiosity. He sees the Indigenous people still trying to be sacred in ceremonies, but suffering more from the heat of Father Sun, because the poison has weakened the sacred blanket in the sky. He sees the Creator medicine, the food and plants placed on Mother Earth with the purpose to nourish and heal..being poisoned.
He sees the poisoned water enter the bodies of men and animals, causing sickness. He sees all natural life trying to do their duty on a tired over worked Mother Earth, and his tears fall as he sees the woman feel the pain of Mother Earth. He hears the humble cries of our holy people asking for a sign from the Creator. He circles over the people, letting us know the Creator has heard our prayers. His heart gladdens when he dances with us for he knows we still honor him. He sends us a warning, for he has spoken with the Creator. The Creator is offended because the sacredness of his life is disturbed. He is a witness to all the deeds of man... and he never forgets.

Oklevueha Native American Church of Kautantowit's Mecautea are proud to stand before all the world in representation of the fufillment of the Native American Prophecies given us by White Buffalo Calf Woman regarding the peoples of Turtle Island as the official Rainbow Warriors of our nation!

"Part of White Buffalo Woman’s original prophecy was to divide the future into seven fires, or ages. She promised to return during the last fire, and bring with her a New and Final Chance for Reason. ‘During the seventh fire,’ Hand said, ‘a new Red Nation can be formed — red being the union of red, white, black, and yellow. We will be able to retrace our steps and examine what we have done wrong. We are not preserving what has been given us to care for. We are polluting the Earth. We’ve become our own enemy. During the seventh fire, the light-skinned man will be given a choice between his technologies and his nature. If he chooses his nature, there is still a chance for harmony in this world. If he makes the wrong choice, he will bring on the destruction of all of us.’"
(article in Jan ’95 edition of ‘Spin’, quoting, Floyd Hand)
White Buffalo calf's HAVE been being born on the Lakota Reservation land annually since 1996!
Oklevueha Native Americn Church of Kautantowit's Mecautea are honored to have been chosen as the Native American example of fufilliment of the prophecy of White Buffalo Calf Woman by being blessed with our branch if the ONAC tree.
This makes we and our members a permanent and essential part of the history of our land long spoke about and forever glorified for leading in the great purification and resoriation of the beauty and life force of our beloved Mother Earth.
Chief Crazy Horse of the Oglala Sioux gave us the beginning point of this New and Final Chance for Reason:
"… The Red Nation shall rise again and it shall be a blessing for a sick world. A world filled with broken promises, selfishness and separations. A world longing for Light again.
I see a time of Seven Generations when all the colors of mankind will gather under the Sacred Tree of Life and the whole Earth will become one circle again.
In that day, there will be those among the Lakota who will carry knowledge and understanding of unity among all living things and the young white ones will come to those of my people and ask for this wisdom.
I salute the light within your eyes where the whole Universe dwells. For when you are at that center within you and I am that place within me, we shall be one."
We saw this fufil in the formation of "AIM" (American Indian Movement)
We ARE the fufillment of this in the formation of "ONAC.KM" !

Because of our Courageous Ancestral Relatives, Oklevueha Native American Churches are presently the ONLY:
· Native American Church that are accepted to conduct Indigenous American Native ceremonies within the United States Navy;
· Native American Church validated by a unanimous decision of the State of Utah Supreme Court to admit people of any racial make up around its sacred fires;
· Native American Church that has received State of Utah Governor Accommodation Awards for introducing and managing a successful American Native based Habilitation Program in the State of Utah Department of Corrections;
· Native American Church that has entered into a Cultural Exchange Proclamation with the Huichole Nation, witnessed by the Mexican Consulate.
· Native American Church that has received a ruling in the Hawaiian Federal Court whereupon the United States Government committed (due to ripeness) not to confiscate ‘Cannabis’ Sacrament from the United States Mails and/or arrest any member of Oklevueha Native American Church of Hawaii for transporting or utilizing cannabis as their Sacrament. The Court also gave permission for ONAC of Hawaii to Sue the DEA.
Our idea of maintaining a church is a spiritual place / space, not a building. On paper we are a non-profit church. What is written on our hearts and minds is unearthing the Creator's Spirit in our hearts and heritages for all our relations.
Our church is bringing recognition to the Native People of the Americas for their contributions and intelligence to the global community in which we live.
We care! We care about an individual's state of mind in which he or she is troubled, worried, anxious or concerned.
We help! We give and provide people spiritual assistance to help their state of mind by: speaking the Word; praying with intent; and authentically rendering assistance, cooperating, aiding, facilitating and rescuing.
And we provide help to those hurting, offering prayer for every person regardless of their situation and resources.
It is our goal to make it easier for people, especially leaders; to help them achieve peace. Ultimately to help them find spiritual truth.
We accomplish our goals through multiple ministries for people with various needs. These include:
Hold Ceremony.
Medicare Café.
Serve military veterans and help them understand their military benefits.
Offer wounded warrior care to military veterans and their families.
Provide food to those who need it.
Help people seek jobs for themselves and their families.
Help senior citizens in different ways.
Encourage artists nationwide through a non-profit art guild.
Hold outdoor private Art in Nature classes for adults.
Mentor young people.
Teach free Art in Nature classes to the unprivileged.
Pray and mentor with people to encourage them in their walk.
Administer spiritual studies and presentations.
Give spiritual and Biblical consultations and teachings.
IRS 14 Point Standard System to define a bona fide church
to determine whether a religious organization may properly be characterized as a church, the Service considers whether the organization has the following characteristics:
(a) a distinct legal existence,
(b) a recognized creed and form of worship,
(c) a definite and distinct ecclesiastical government,
(d) a formal code of doctrine and discipline,
(e) a distinct religious history,
(f) a membership not associated with any other church or denomination,
(g) an organization of ordained ministers,
(h) ordained ministers selected after completing prescribed studies,
(i) a literature of its own,
(j) established places of worship,
(k) regular congregations,
(l) regular religious services,
(m) Sunday schools for religious instruction of the young,
(n) schools for the preparation of its ministers, and
(o) any other facts and circumstances that may bear upon the organization's claim for church status. See IRM 7(10)69, Exempt Organizations Examination Guidelines Handbook, text 321.3(3).