Skills & Expertise

Time & Energy
First and Foremost, it's important that you know and understand, Oklevueha Native American Church of Kautantowit's Mecautea is in existance due to 100% contributions from You, our brothers & sisters in and encompassing our right to freely practition our religion, and without your loving compassion and support, our road would be that much harder and more uphill.
There are a great many ways we could use your help, and below you will get an idea of them, and of how much they truely will benefit all of mankind as a whole, not just our church or it's members. Many people may wonder about donating and where the funds are being applied.
We understand this can be a major concern with so many churches taking in millions and billions of dollars in donations, without any real benefit to their members or to the world. ONAC.KM is quite saddened by this exploitation and see the problems of this world all stem from this type of selfishness. ONAC.KM is dedicated to assisting others and this is the path we follow.
We encourage all to join us in making a real difference in this world. Our immediate founders, Hawkeye Graves & Talq-Talq Timm, join in the mission of the obligatory vision of establishing ever increasing and self sustaining Healing Communities and Ceremonial Grounds around not only the state of Oregon, but throughout all of our America's and our whole mother world!
What does this mean? Imagine a Healing Center that not only cared for and assisted others but also was able to provide an increase in supplies or some type of abundance. Over time this increase could be used to grow other Centers. Where you had one, you will have two. Where you have two, you get four. This pattern of increase will fulfill his dream and impact our world. All ONAC healers understand that it is through assisting others that we can create a better life for ourselves and also make positive changes in the world and that it's all good branches that make a healthy tree and overall positive difference. That is why they have personally funded, and will continue to do so as the means become available, a vast majority of our Church's Mission Projects.
Please prayerfully consider a small monthly Sacred Giveaway Donation to assist the Missions of the Church to move forward. It is through your Sacred Giveaway donations that we can speed up the World's healing process. Also if you desire to support in other ways, or assist in the practical application of the Church's Missions, please send a letter to either Hawkeye Graves or Talq-Talq Timm and express to them your dreams and desires in which you wish your contribution to go and we will see that they do... your generosity no matter how great or small is so greatly valued and appreciated!
It has been the experience of many that if one feels inclined to call upon the Spirit to assist you, he will. Currently the Sacred Giveaway donations are being applied as follows:
1. Establishing a running the official website of ONAC.KM. (Minimum expense.)
2. Purchasing and establishing the main Ceremonial Grounds of the Church. (Pictures available soon.)
3. Providing Ceremonial Services.
4. Other minor office expenses as incurred unavoidably.
As our Church grows, many services will be abundantly provided and shared as we are able to provide them to our members and too our community within society.
Even small donations from many people will make a very powerful impact. Thank you for supporting our cause.
Time and energy are always needed and in a multitude of ways as we have much to do and accomplilsh. On site as well as off, if you have the time to spare, we have any things that you amy be willing to help us do and get done.
Everyone has skills that they are aware of and even many that they're not. Whatever your own personal skills and expertise, we could sure use them, if you are willing to share them with us for our many great endeavors geared to better help all mankind and mother world.
It seems as though everything upon the world today takes money for one reason or another, and running and operatin a church is no different, unfortunately, even an earth-based one such as ours.
Given the multitude of our great many endeavors, we are and constantly will remain in need of any materialistic help we can possibly receive. No matter how big or small, if it works and is usable then we most certainly will find a user for it.


~How you can Contribute to our Endeavors~

A little bit goes such a long way in whatever form you're willing to give ~ Do we not owe even the littlest of effort for the sake of our children & grandchildren's futures to stand with respect and wisdom with the goal of global preservation, especially with Mother Earth, Father Sky and all of our ancestors at our side as we do it?

The St. Joseph's Indian School is among thee most worthy of causes you could possibl support... afterall, what is More Important than our children and our children's children for future generations to come!?
St. Joseph's Indian School has served Lakota (Sioux) children and families since 1927. Our mission — to educate Native American youth mind, body, heart and spirit — drives us to house and educate 200 children each year.
Child poverty and abuse are serious issues on Indian reservations. By supporting St. Joseph's Indian School, you are helping Native American children in need regain pride in the Lakota (Sioux) culture by learning the Lakota language, studying Native American culture and healing the broken family circle from which they come.
Lakota (Sioux) children in need escape extreme poverty and abuse when they attend St. Joseph's Indian School.
Tax-deductible gifts help Native American children in need receive:
A safe, stable home away from reservation hardships
Individual counseling and guidance
Carefully planned curriculum based on Lakota (Sioux) culture and individual student needs
Tools to help build confidence, boost self-esteem, improve cultural awareness
All of this and more to live a bright, productive, possibility-filled future
Sachem Graves and her father have Personally helped support St. Joseph's Indian School for more than 50 Years and encourage YOU to consider doing the same thing... for the children's sake.

Lakota Children Need Your Help for their futures!