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  Thank you for your consideration of joining the steadily increasing list of responsible people who, by joining the “Oklevueha Native American Church of Kautantowit's Mecautea”

We offer Four Levels of ONAC Membership to serve you!


 ONAC.KM members are essentially standing up for all of our Constitutional Rights to participate in and to hold indigenous, earth-based, empowering and healing medicine and ceremonies.


 Legal precedence dictates that the Native American Church has FULL Constitutional Rights and Protections as have other registered Churches, worshipping in the United States of America, been receiving theirs since September 17, 1787,as do all of the braches of it, including our branch!


 ONAC Members are protected even if they are NOT of American Native Heritage or house tribal nation blood.


 An “Oklevueha Native American Church of Kautantowit's Mecautea Membership and Membership Card” serves to protect the religious freedom which Native Americans and in fact all Americans have to practice the traditional and biblical traditions of healing, Chirothesia, “Laying on of Hands” and other spirit and energy based practices common to Indigenous peoples since the dawn of human civilation.


  ONAC Blessed Membership and Card informs the federal government and a majority of state governments which may be unaware of the unique constitutional rights of the Oklevueha Native American Church. With this in mind, three United States Higher Courts’ unanimous decisions (the Federal 10th Circuit Court of Appeals, State of Utah Supreme Court and the United States Supreme Court) express very clearly and concisely that:


 An “Oklevueha Native American Church Membership and or Card” serves to protect the transportation of sacraments which the federal government and a majority of state governments still declare are illegal but are unaware of the unique constitutional rights of the Oklevueha Native American Church.


 With this in mind, three United States Higher Courts’ unanimous decisions (the Federal 10th Circuit Court of Appeals, State of Utah Supreme Court and the United States Supreme Court) express very clearly and concisely that:


 Any and all government agencies of the United States have no legal authority to influence any church with its ideology (by-laws) or limit the participation in a church’s religious practices based on race (American Native) or political affiliation (Federally Recognized Tribes);


 Cannot deny access to American Native Indigenous Sacred Ceremonial Grounds and / or use of any and all plants, minerals, cactus, herbs, mushrooms and etc (Sacrament);


 As an example and as a matter of law, the United States governments are to protect these constitutional rights. These unanimous rulings state very clearly that all members of ‘any’ federally recognized tribe and/or ‘members’ of a bona fide Native American Church have the constitutional rights and protection to worship with any and all earth-based Sacraments ‘especially Peyote’.


 With this understanding, should a Tribal Member be stopped on the highway while possessing a Native American Church Sacrament, he or she can submit to the law enforcement officer their tribal card (which entails decades of sacrifices).


 Now if an “Oklevueha Native American Church of Kautantowit's Mecautea Authorized  Membership " Card” holder (Who are Not a Federally Recognized Tribal member) finds themselves in the same circumstance, they can now prove their legitimacy to have a Native American Church Sacrament in their possession and to participate in ceremony and or other ONAC Healing and practices to support health, happiness and well being.


                                                               IMPORTANT NOTE!


 Under no circumstances is it required that ONACS Participants and or Members acquire, use, transport or participate in the use on the traditional herbal sacraments. ONAC members are free to NOT acquire, use, transport or participate in the use on the traditional and or herbal sacraments.

‘Presently’ Oklevueha Native American Church is the only Native American Church, spiritually blessed by the Rosebud Reservation Native American Church, Free Church, Federal ID #841402813 and has a certificate of existence in the state of Utah, #1353164-0140 that is authorized to worship on/off tribal grounds and has met the ‘Standard of Sincerity’ and ‘Vow of Poverty’ standards in the state of Utah and Federal courts.


 This Card is designed to assist all people regardless of their racial make up, political affiliation, social and/or financial status in receiving their constitutional rights.This Card is also designed to assist United States judicial officials to honor their solemn oath to protect and exercise the principles of the United States Constitution while carrying out their duty in serving their fellow citizens.


 Please Read The ONAC Code of EthicsTo join the movement that is strengthening and exercising the principles of the United States Constitution please enter your information into the fields provided below and click on the ‘contribute now’ button, you will then be redirected to PayPal, where you will complete the final step of your transaction. I have read and understand the Code of Ethics (required).

The 'ONAC Tribal Membership Card' is designed and made available to honor over a hundred years of sacrifices indigenous people have endured to keep the ‘spirit’ of the American Native Culture alive.This card will assist a card holder of all tribal traditions, racial make up, political affiliation, social and/or financial status in receiving their constitutional rights as all other American Citizens have been receiving since the United States Constitution, its amendments (Bill of Rights) went into effect and were ratified, March 4 1759.


The way the laws of the land are interpreted ‘presently’, Federally Recognized Tribal Reservations are under the political and financial influence of the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA). The BIA is a dominate influence that is not obligated to honor the principles of the United States Constitution for Federally Recognized Tribal governments for Federally Recognized Indian Reservations are ’Sovereign Nations’.

The ONAC Military/Veteran Membership is designed and made available to honor you for putting your life on the line in the service of our Nation, thus protecting the United States Constitution, whether you were in active combat or not, we still honor & thank you for your service.


 With proof of your DD214, we offer veterans adoption into ONAC KM FREE of Charge!  


 Please send your official Inividual Membership Application, along with  $10.00 for the "Letter of Good Standing" documentation to:




                                 P.O. Box 72093

                               Springfield, Oregon



  Then send a copy of the "Letter of Good Standing" along with the following applicable fees to our ONAC Heaquarters at:


                      Oklevueha NAC

                     1559 South 1460

                 East Spanish Fork, Utah



$10.00 for the Military Service and/or Veteran Membership Card


 $25.00 for the Tribal  Nations Membership Card,


$25.00 for the ONAC.KM Membership Card,


$200.00 for the ONAC Adoption Membership Card,



Membership Fees

                                               ONAC.KM "Letter of Good Standing"


 Your very first step toward becoming an ONAC member, is to be formally claimed by an ONAC branch President / Chief Sachem. This is done first by your formally petitioning for membership into an ONAC branch via application, along with an applicable processing fee. ONAC.KM asks for $10.00 to cover our costs and in exchange for it, we will provide you with an oficial "Letter of Good Standing" which acts as equalivant to an ONAC Basic Membership card. A second copy of your "Lette of Good Standing" will also be provided to you to provide to ONAC headquarters in Utah along with your membershop card fee If you'd like to obtain your official ONAC membership card as shown above.


 Please note that ONAC.KM WAIVERS our fee for a "Letter of Good Standing" IF you are either a Veteran of any armed forces who honorably served in the defense of our freedoms on behalf of "The America's" and or also If you are a federally recognized Tribal Nations member!



                                        ONAC Authorized Basic Membership (BM Card):


 ONAC Authorized Basic Membership card is your logical "Next Step" after attaining your "Letter of Good Standing", both which are open to anyone with and interest in Oklwvueha Native American Church of Kautantowit's Mecautea and any of it's services and resources at of above Eight (8) years of age. The ONAC Membership is suitable for those individuals wishing to receive ONAC.KM and or other ONAC branches as well as member services and or counseling and with all legal protections afforded to ONAC and  our sovereign ecclesiastical jurisdictions. Oklevueha Native American Church of Kautantowit's Mecautea (ONA.KM), of Oregon is a Non -Profit,  and is a 501c(3) IRS Compliant, Tax Exempt, Religious/ Church Organization.


                              ONAC.KM's Authorized Basic Membership (BM Card) Prerequisites:


 ONAC requires that all Basic Members have a minimum of ONAC Approved "Letter of Good Standing," and a basic minimal belief in the spiritual principles of our Native American ancestors prior to membership into an ONAC branch.


The ONAC Authorized Basic Membership card priviledge is primarily for all persons interested in preserving your moral foundational rights liberties and freedoms as a Native born American person.


                           Students, Beginners, Lay Ministers, Healers etc. all join at this level!



 The ONAC Basic Membership card is a way for you to become a member of ONAC that enables you to participate in our indigenous American Native ceremonies and to legally possess and transport ONAC Independent Branches Sacraments and other Sacred Items that the Native American Church utilizes for it’s American Native spiritual activities.


 ONAC.KM welcomes you into this spiritual movement and invites you to assist us in sharing the Native American Indigenous Culture with others. By becoming a member you can now participate in the ceremonies and sacraments of the land and assist us in sharing the Native American Indigenous Culture at the entry level of a student and or Lay Minister.


 By becoming an Authorized Basic Member, you can now practice and participate in the healing, therapy, counseling and ceremonies and sacraments of the land according to your authorized and or ONAC.KM approved level of practice.


 You have constitutional rights, which are listed, in the Legal Affairs section  of the ONAC, Utah web site. Please read and understand them, presently, as law enforcement in most cases will be unfamiliar with them. Laws vary from state to state and it is important for you to understand your legal right to participate and transport ONAC sacraments from foreign nations, among the several State, or with Indian tribes.

ONAC nor it's branches do not have a legal fund to defend you, but does have all of the documentation to support you in your earnest desire to participate as the spirit dictates so long as you are honoring and abiding by ONAC Code of Ethics. it does not infringe upon the rights of others and is in accordance with the ONAC mission statement and Authorized Basic Membership Rules and scope of practice.


 To recieve the Authorized Participant Membership Card (APM Card) from the Oklevueha Native American Church of SomaVeda, and its stand to honor the First Amendment of the Bill of Rights, one is required to read, study and understand the Oklevueha Native American Church of Kautantowit's Mecautea Code of Ethics and ONAC Authorized Participant Member Agreement. Reading and agreeing to these are a "pre-condition" towards acceptence as a Member.


PLEASE NOTE: You will be asked to agree that you have read and understand the Code of Ethics in order to obtain an ONAC Basic Membership Card.


Authorized Basic Membership Contribution Card (BM Card) :

Share in the message and participate in the ceremonies.

The code on the back of the card is unique to each member. It can be scanned into any smart phone and immediately link to the user’s information and ONAC legal documentation.

 The ONAC Membership is avalable to ANY PERSON living within the America's whether you are born a Native to the land or not. This includes what is known as the North, Central abd South America Continents, including Canada, Alaska, and Greenland!

 The ONAC.KM  Branch Adoption Membership (BAM), also known as a "Letter of Good Standing" is the ultimate option for you regardless of which membership option you choose as you will need to be claimed by a branch of ONAC to become any level of a member and for you right here, is only $10.00!

 The ONAC Adoption is avalable to ANY PERSON at or above the age of 8 years old.


 To be officially adopted into ONAC, you must First be claimed by a branch of ONAC, such as our branch, ONAC.KM!

Join ONAC Today!

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 Once you have your BAM from ONAC KM, you will need to then fill out your application, include a  "Passport Quality" photo (meaning no hat, sunglasses, straight forward Quality picture of yourself) and our mother churches fees. MAKE SURE YOU PUT ONAC KM AS YOUR TRIBE! Here is a link to the page to complete that process for your convenience: 

​​Call us:


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​Mail us: 

P.O. Box 40155

Eugene, OR 97404










P.O. Box 72093


     © 2013 by ONAC.KM. Proudly created with

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